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How many calories in a carbohydrate

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories in a carbohydrate”,you can compare them.

1g carbs x 4) = 4 calories. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-many-calories-in-a-carbohydrate ]
More Answers to “How many calories in a carbohydrate
Calories in carbohydrates 4 calories per one gram of carbohydrates. A single gram of carbohydrates contains roughly four calories of energy. (Proteins also contain 4 kcal/gram; fats contain 9 kcal/gram and ethanol contains 7 kcal/gram.)
・ 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories (note the difference in calories between 1 gram of protein/carbs and … ・ If you consume 3500 calories more than you burn, you will put on 1 pound ・ If you burn 3500 calories more than you take it, you…
Protein contains 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram. Fat contains 9 calories per gram. ChaCha again!

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A: Bread doesn’t have to be bad. Flip it over and look at the label. Choose ones that are both low in calories and high in Fiber.My favorites:Aunt Millie Healthy Life bread – 80 cals for 2 slices, 5g of fiber.Thomas Light English Muffins – 100 cals with 8g of fiber.Thomas Mini-Wheat Bagels – 120 cals with 4g of fiber.Oatmeal – 120 to 160 calories, 3 to 6g of fiber depending on brand, cut, and flavor.You do need to be eating 6-11 servings of carbs per day. This can be where you get your 25g of fiber that you need to get daily. If your servings average 100 calories each, that’s only 600 calories – less than half your daily intake. Remember, even a strict calorie restricted diet will have you eat at least 1200 calories up to 1500 calories. Veggies are really low in calories, so can low-fat/no-fat dairy, and lean meats are low too.You need carbs – they are the only thing that powers your brain, and the energy keeps you from being sluggish. Look for complex carbs over sugary ones, and get lots of fiber to keep you full.Good luck!
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