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How to lose 10 pounds quick

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The fastest way to lose 10 pounds and keep them off is the exercise daily at a moderate pace, adequate water intake, reduced calorie intake and lots of sleep. Good luck! Thanks for ChaCha’ing today! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-to-lose-10-pounds-quick ]
More Answers to “How to lose 10 pounds quick
・ 1 Losing 10 pounds quick is not easy unless you have plan that works. My plan has worked for me and a… ・ 2 1. Drink lots of water which will keep your feeling full and eating less food. 2. The food you do eat… ・ 3 This plan will work …
1. dont bank on the words ‘fast’,’easy’,’simple’ & ‘quick’….to stay safe,you shoudnt lose beyond 3 pounds of fat per week 2. start brisk walking 40-60mins a day…get a dog or 2 if you find your walking routine boring..or if you are a…
llright i can tell you how to do this and it be healthy because its worked for me and i lost 30 pounds in a month. first off cut out all meats for the first week go to the store and if possible buy the pill alli doesnt matter if u dont it h…

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A: i have been trying to lose weight for a few weeks now i’ve been trying the health way, exercising and eating right and no results but now i’m about to do it differently..laxative, no eating, lemonade diet, something.. try the lemonade diet look it up on the web. i know it will work.
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Q: i am a 13 year old girl and i want to get in shape. i think i need to lose about 10 pounds. what is the quickest way to do it??
A: You’re 13 years old…so i would steer clear of the suplements, beacuse they will mess with your body too much at such a young age. Try some of these simple ways to lose the weight. They are fun and effective.1. Jogging/ Running: Nothing like a little good ‘ol fassion running to lose the weight2. Sit ups are great, because they build muscel in your ab’s and burn fat.3. Jump Rope is a fun way to quicken your pulse and shed those pounds4. Swimming is probibly the best one i can recommend you. It is relaxing, as well as burns A LOT of calories and builds muscel is your legs, arms, back, and abs.5. You have your youth, take up a sport. Softball, basketball, track, swimming, hockey, whatever you like best. Its a great way to lose the weight while having fun and meeting new people.Also, be sure to keep an eye on your diet. To much fat, carbs, and sugars can prevent you from losing the weight. Try to eat lean meats, vegitables, and fruits. Good luck!
I’m 5 feet tall, and I weigh about 120 lbs. How can I lose 10 pounds quick?
Q: I’m not considered fat at all, I have a flat stomach & I’m very athletic, I’d just like to slim down a little bit for an up comming event. I’d like to lose about 10 pounds in 10 days, does anyone have any suggestions?
A: You Wont lose 10lbs in 10 days maybe 5lbs at the mostOkay the best way to lose weight is to concentrate on 2 main things, this is your diet and your workout.—Diet—-You need to get both of them right, now your diet should work like this… you should be eating a meal every 2-3 hours but not a junk food snack/meal. When i say meal i mean something which is healthy ie you might have some pasta with tuna, or a quick banana as a snack. The foods you eat should be COMPLEX carbs ie pasta, brown bread etc etc. You also want to try and get as much fruit + ved in a day. Make sure you have a good amount of protein throughout your meals. Now you also need to work out your Basal Metabolic Rate, this simply tells you how many calories you burn a day, you need to find out how much your actually eating now its most likely to be in excess if it is you want to TRY and cut down 500 calories and stick to your new total amount. This shouldnt be hard because you will be eating Complex carbs which are just as filling but have a lower calorie count but are better for you than empty calories which are found in simple carbs.—Workout—Here are some tips for you Okay now for your workout what you want to be doing is concentrating on many different types of cardio exercises. These are your jogging,swimming basically anything that makes you sweat and makes your heart pound. If you can join a gym as they have a lot of cardio machines there. Now once you get in to the hang of say jogging, what i mean by this is say you jog 20 mins everyday eventually you will come to a point where your not losing anymore weight this is like hitting a brick wall, this means you need to up the game, start jogging that extra five minutes a day, start taking that one less suagr in your cup of tea.The most important tip to remember is to vary your cardio routines. Your body gets used to the same cardio routines done over and over. By varying your routine, your body will have to adjust, and thus causes a rise in the metabolic rate, thereby burning calories faster. But how many people do you see walking everyday in your neighborhood, or on the same treadmill or elliptical machine at the gym, and their body never seems to be changing. They do all that work and see no visible results. That is because the conventional wisdom is to get some form of cardio 3-5 days a week at 30 – 60 minutes.A better alternative is high impact interval training. High impact training could include doing a warm-up of 3-4 minutes on a treadmill, followed by 1 minute at 8 mph, then 1 1/2 minutes at 4 mph, then run 10 mph for 1 minute, then walk at 4 mph for 1 1/2 minutes. You can repeat this 3 or 4 times to get a very effective, and not boring cardio workout.You can also incorporate running or walking stairs, or do short sprints. The sprints need not be long (20,30, 50 yards), and you rest by walking back to the starting point. These are very effective. Have you ever seen a fat person running the 100 yard dash at the Olympics?And often overlooked is the jump rope. Do short bursts of jump rope at a brisk pace with some faster paced, or double jumps, or criss crosses mixed in.By applying these cardio tips on how to burn calories fast, you should be able to jump start your metabolism, and make progress towards your fitness goalsI can guarantee you that you will lose weight i have had to both GAIN and LOSE weight as i was an ex boxer I assure you that this will work, but the most important tip is motivation from YOU!Best Of Luck
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