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How underweight do you have to be to stop having your period

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A:Low body weight will bring about amenorrhea or the stopping of your period. How much underweight depends on our height and age. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-underweight-do-you-have-to-be-to-stop-having-your-period ]
More Answers to “How underweight do you have to be to stop having your period
How underweight do you have to be to stop having your period?
Low body weight will bring about amenorrhea or the stopping of your period. How much underweight depends on our height and age.
Can being 2kgs underweight cause you to stop having your period??
Being underweight or overweight can affect your period, i am underweight and suffer from extremely horific periods but everyones different some people can stop others dont!. I advise you to go to your doctor or clinic and discuss your conce…

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A: I hear that all my 27 years of living! ‘You look so weak and skinny, you look so fragile, are you sick etc’. My husband constantly comment on how strong I am and how looks can really be deceiving.Next time she ask you that question, just say, I hate to disappoint you but my answer is the same as yesterday. I am STILL fine.Salad with no dressing sounds disgusting. You might as well go to your backyard and eat grass. Ugh!
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A: You’re young, just in eighth grade hun. You’ll get your period (and hate it) and you’ll fill out beautifully!You’re fine, just relax and do not eat so much fatty foods! that’s unhealthy! eat healthy, exercise moderately and you’ll gain muscle instead of the fat that you’re so dying to have!! As for your ‘friends’ and peers, they’re just jealous hun. I mean, come on, a tiny little woman like you next to them is making them feel HUGE! You got it girl and they know it. I promise, you’ll grow and you will become a woman…all in due time. I had the same problem as you, I’m still 5’2 but I got boobs and a little butt now and I got my period when I was a 10th grader. (9th grade summer to be exact) Just enjoy life and don’t worry about your size. You’re adorable and you know 😀 Good luck in high school girl, you’ll do great! PS…your bones won’t get bigger, you’re just small boned. Drink milk to make ur bones stronger. <333
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A: I sounds to me like you are now doing great. Congratulations on telling your parents and getting help. Knowing you have a problem and want help is half of the battle of winning. You sound like a winner to me. The diet you are following sounds great and if you are gaining weight and eating healthy, you should get back to normal really soon. Please do not over exercise and use up all of those hard earned calories to keep from gaining weight. That will not solve the problem, only continue it. I am much older than you and did the same thing at about your age, was passing out in my house, never eating, lost a lot of weight. At that time there was not a name for the disease, but my Mom realized that I was not eating and helped me get back to normal.Keep eating, don’t over exercise and you should be fine in no time.
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