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Is it bad if a woman has a period ever 3 to 4 months instead of every month

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A:Secondary amenorrhea is absence of periods in a menstruating woman. It’s not *bad*, but it does indicate hormones levels are off. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-bad-if-a-woman-has-a-period-ever-3-to-4-months-instead-of-every-month ]
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Is it bad if a woman has a period ever 3 to 4 months instead of e…?
Secondary amenorrhea is absence of periods in a menstruating woman. It’s not *bad*, but it does indicate hormones levels are off.

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Q: Member since: September 14, 2007 Total points: 86 (Level 1) Points earned this week: –% Best answer Emily CS Looking for some answers for PCOS?!?!?!?!?!?I’m wondering if anyone has had these details with PCOS and looking for a support grop that works.I just found out a week ago that I have PCOD, although like many of you I’ve been trying to tell my doctor for a few months now that I have this due to my research and in the past had told doctors that my hormones were messed up due to never having any acne until I was 17 (only on my chin and sides of mouth) and messed up periods after going off birth control….for awhile I just thought my body was messed up from being on the pill because the first time I went off when I was 18 I didn’t have my period for 4 months. My doctor told me that was normal even though I had only been on the pill for about 8 months and that some women do not get their period for a year after going off…anyway he put my back on and things went back to normal until a year ago when I went off after getting married to try and conceive. We have been trying now for about 7 months…because I was told by some to wait until my periods were normal and they never were…I’m pretty sure that I’ve only had one “normal” period since then the others were all very short and light happening about every 31-48 days. This has been my longest cycle ( my last period was June 1) so my doctor has put me on ratio-mpa and next week I start metformin. I also have been going to nat path who thought too that I had PCOD. I tried Vitex a nat. herb to try and reg. my periods although that didn’t work. I did find through her though that sugar and dairy seem to make acne worse. I hardly have any dairy now and when I have sugar I try to only have natural ones like honey and golden cane in sm doses. A lot of dressings and that you can get from nat. food stores without sugar. I have rice milk or almond milk too instead of cows…I never knew that they inject hormones into cows. For symptoms…I have only gained about 15 lbs since I was 17/18 I’m not overweight because I am pretty active although this is considered chubby for me in my frame. I can’t loose weight for the life of me unless I pretty much don’t eat any carbs and do high intense cardio which isn’t worth the burnout that my body goes through. lets just say during the summer I played soccer 2 times a week (running in midfield for 80 mins a game), watched everything that went into my mouth, went to the gym 2-3 times a week for an hour at a time and walked/ did videos for a couple times a week and my weight didn’t move…so I wore the biggest sizes that I’ve ever worn as bridesmaid dresses in 2 weddings. I have thin hair on my forehead on the sides and tend to loose hair through washing. I have pimple year around on my chin and sides of mouth but I’;m able to control them with specto gel and not eating sugar and dairy ( before used prescription clinodoxyl gel). I get pimples from sports on my chest and back sometimes in the summer and use a body wash for pimples and get my husband to put tea tree oil on these which helps. I have irr. periods and PMS symptoms that last about 2 weeks before each period. When I wen’t off of the pill I was having panic attacks for the first time in my life about nothing. I also have blonde hair above my upper lip…thabnk god I’m a blonde, but there is more hair there then any of my g/f’s. Nothing showed up in my blood work although I have multiple cysts on my ovaries that showed up in m,y ultrasound. It is okay to share this. I am going to see my family doc in a month and my nat. path doc. whenever I get my next period. I will keep you posted…I’m planning on asking my nat. doc about herbs etc that can help with later comp. that occur with this such as heart problems and diabetes also about cinnamon. Emily c
A: I have PCOS, but a good site where you can go to get even more information about PCOS and support groups in your area is at: http://www.pcosupport.orgAlso, cinnamon is great for those who are Diabetic when it comes to helping to try and control their sugars.
Looking for some answers for PCOS?!?!?!?!?!?
Q: I’m wondering if anyone has had these details with PCOS and looking for a support grop that works. I just found out a week ago that I have PCOD, although like many of you I’ve been trying to tell my doctor for a few months now that I have this due to my research and in the past had told doctors that my hormones were messed up due to never having any acne until I was 17 (only on my chin and sides of mouth) and messed up periods after going off birth control….for awhile I just thought my body was messed up from being on the pill because the first time I went off when I was 18 I didn’t have my period for 4 months. My doctor told me that was normal even though I had only been on the pill for about 8 months and that some women do not get their period for a year after going off…anyway he put my back on and things went back to normal until a year ago when I went off after getting married to try and conceive. We have been trying now for about 7 months…because I was told by some to wait until my periods were normal and they never were…I’m pretty sure that I’ve only had one “normal” period since then the others were all very short and light happening about every 31-48 days. This has been my longest cycle ( my last period was June 1) so my doctor has put me on ratio-mpa and next week I start metformin. I also have been going to nat path who thought too that I had PCOD. I tried Vitex a nat. herb to try and reg. my periods although that didn’t work. I did find through her though that sugar and dairy seem to make acne worse. I hardly have any dairy now and when I have sugar I try to only have natural ones like honey and golden cane in sm doses. A lot of dressings and that you can get from nat. food stores without sugar. I have rice milk or almond milk too instead of cows…I never knew that they inject hormones into cows. For symptoms…I have only gained about 15 lbs since I was 17/18 I’m not overweight because I am pretty active although this is considered chubby for me in my frame. I can’t loose weight for the life of me unless I pretty much don’t eat any carbs and do high intense cardio which isn’t worth the burnout that my body goes through. lets just say during the summer I played soccer 2 times a week (running in midfield for 80 mins a game), watched everything that went into my mouth, went to the gym 2-3 times a week for an hour at a time and walked/ did videos for a couple times a week and my weight didn’t move…so I wore the biggest sizes that I’ve ever worn as bridesmaid dresses in 2 weddings. I have thin hair on my forehead on the sides and tend to loose hair through washing. I have pimple year around on my chin and sides of mouth but I’;m able to control them with specto gel and not eating sugar and dairy ( before used prescription clinodoxyl gel). I get pimples from sports on my chest and back sometimes in the summer and use a body wash for pimples and get my husband to put tea tree oil on these which helps. I have irr. periods and PMS symptoms that last about 2 weeks before each period. When I wen’t off of the pill I was having panic attacks for the first time in my life about nothing. I also have blonde hair above my upper lip…thabnk god I’m a blonde, but there is more hair there then any of my g/f’s. Nothing showed up in my blood work although I have multiple cysts on my ovaries that showed up in m,y ultrasound. It is okay to share this. I am going to see my family doc in a month and my nat. path doc. whenever I get my next period. I will keep you posted…I’m planning on asking my nat. doc about herbs etc that can help with later comp. that occur with this such as heart problems and diabetes also about cinnamon. Emily c
A: Based on my reading, the best treatment for PCOS is not a medication, but the same treatment for type two diabetes. Lean, healthy (vegetable based) diet, lots of exercise, and weight loss. If these things are half as effective at treating PCOS as they have been for helping me with my type two diabetes, then you should see remarkable results in only a couple of months. Read more here: http://pcos.insulitelabs.com/What-Causes-PCOS.phphttp://www.ovarian-cysts-pcos.com/PCOS-success.htmlAnd here: http://www.drmcdougall.com/med_hormone.html
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