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Is it bad if you can’t tell if you’re on your period

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A:Amenorrhea is the term doctors use for absence of periods. Girls who havent started their periods by the time they’re 16 may MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-bad-if-you-can%27t-tell-if-you%27re-on-your-period ]
More Answers to “Is it bad if you can’t tell if you’re on your period
Is it bad if you can’t tell if you’re on your period
Amenorrhea is the term doctors use for absence of periods. Girls who havent started their periods by the time they’re 16 may MORE?

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Don’t know what to do anymore?
Q: On Thursday i was crying in one of my classes about my personal issues. When the teacher saw me she brought me out to the hallway and asked me what was wrong. Here was the convo :Teacher : What’s the matter?Me : It’s nothing.Teacher : It can’t be nothing, you’re crying.Me : Don’t worry about it. If I tell you, you’re going to have to tell my guidence cousinlor even though he already knows everything..Teacher : If he knows I won’t say anything.. I promise.** I shake my head **Teacher : Jen .. I promise.** (She was my teacher last year too, just for a different subject. I’m a sophmore in highschool btw …. So anyway, I thought I could trust her. So I told her everything and how stuff from my past was still bothering me. And how now DYFS was getting involved now.. even though the person that hurt me was out of the house now…Parents are divorced ) **Then , my mom was at this I.E.P meeting regarding my classes for next year and stuff like that. When me and the teacher were talking outside the classroom, the guy from the meeting asked my teacher if she wanted to join after the period was done. She said okay. She said she wouldn’t mention what I told her.So I asked her if I could see her after school to show her some of my poetry. She said she’d love that. After school I showed her and she said I was a great writer. She said on Tuesday (We have off Monday) we can continue talking when Period 10 comes. (We both don’t have a class that period) I gave her a hugg and said “Thank you” … She hugged me back and she told me I was a strong girl. I said thank you again..Later on in the day when I got home from school, about 8:30pm. My mom seemed annoyed so I asked her if she was okay. She said “Have a headache, think you know about what.” .. Got a knot in my stomach and then I thought to myself “Fuck” …Apparently, when me and the teacher were outside the classroom in the hallway, People saw us and saw I was crying. When my teacher went to the meeting, she told my mom “I promised not to say anything..” My mom then said ” I don’t care what you promised, I’m her mother” .. The teacher told everyone what I stated to her. Then my teacher said ” Maybe therapy isn’t working for her. Maybe she should go see a sychologist and be but on medication” .. Then she said stuff like “It’s a joke, it’s like once a year or once every different semister a kid has a breakdown” … I’m not sure if she said the medication thing because she “cares” and thinks that would be best if I try that. Or she was trying to judge. And i’m also not sure about the “joke” comment thing if it was just out of frustration and felt pressured by everyone. She wasn’t the only teacher I told about my life. 2 other teachers know Everything. My Bio teacher I consider as a father figure. And a teacher I meet through my Bio teacher. The people at the meeting think I am “seeking” for “attention” when it’s not even about that!!.. =( … Now they want to label me as “A Troubled Student” .. Not “Trouble” as in a kid that gets suspended alot and Causes trouble. “Trouble” meaning that like, an Emotional Disstress. I hate it when people think I’m seeking for attention..Its not even about that…On Tuesday I was thinking of asking the teacher in a peaceful way, if all the stuff she said was true and what exactly she meant by it. (I may also note, when I told her what happened, she basically cried)I just don’t know what to do anymore…Needless to say. I sometimes get sucidial thoughts. Can someone just give me your opinion about everything? If you’re going to say harsh things..then please don’t bother posting because I feel bad as it is. Thanks to everyone who will comment. xoxo
A: Jenn,Life can really suck at times ….. the best part is life is always changing … so because it sucks now, that means it will get better later on ….There will be good times, and some bad times .. there will be things that hurt and things that heal you … there will be affection and love, stress and hate. It’s not all those separate things, it’s all those things together that help Forge us into the people we will become. It’s how you play the game …. ever heard that one. It’s true .. it the way you handle the good and the bad .. it’s learning how to find a balance and work through and learn from the adversity life sends your way.Jenn, it sounds like you got a dose of bad, but you’ve got people there for you (mom and your Teacher) who seem to want to help and care. There will be times when the help can hurt a bit, but it gets better as time goes on … think of it like tearing off a band aid … stings a bit, but ya gotta do it, to get passed it.Talking, time … the deeds and actions … that will put this behind you.Sounds like your doing well so far … we all have those thoughts along life’s road …. just hang in there and see what is around the next corner.You’ll do fine …. and I always have room at the pool side if ya need ….
I need some advice about my period!?
Q: I am only an 11 year old girl,And I had my period at age 10.It was sometime around the month September (2009) which was close to my birthday.I really hate going to school when having it,and when I had talked to my mom about it,she had told me that it goes on for the rest of your life each month.I went to my room and just flipped off.I mean like,for the rest of my life?! And just like I said,I hate going to school with it!What if it goes through my pants and everyone sees?Yes,I know I dont really have anything to be embarrassed about much,but come on,You wouldn’t want blood on the behind on your pants and you’d have to walk around school with it,would you?So school is only 6 hours,from 8:00am – 2pm but it takes an hour for us to leave and stuff so I get home at about 3pm.And like I said,I am only 11 years old so I don’t know much about this.But what would you prefer that I should use as the best tampon I should use?Like,you won’t be able to smell it and it takes a while more time for the blood to come through.My mom buys the CareFree ones and they’re good,scented and stuff like that.(It says so on the label) But I don’t really think they’re big enough,like you’ll have to keep going to the bathroom a lot to change it.So here are the questions:1. I go to school 6 hours but it takes an hour to leave so I come home at about 3pm.(Starting at 8am)What would you recommend the best tampon I should use?Like,you won’t be able to smell it and it takes a while more for the blood to come through so you won’t have to keep going to the bathroom.2. Is it a bad thing to keep wearing tampons when you’re not on your period at the time?3. I go to school 6 hours but it takes an hour to leave so I come home at about 3pm.(Starting at 8am) How often should I change my tampon in school then?4. Physical Education.We play sports like basket ball,running laps sometimes,volley ball,hockey,kick ball,soccer,Etc. I heard something like last year my Gym teacher had said “If you’re having your period,then play because you can’t sit out,playing/participating will make you feel better” But I don’t really believe her for some reason.-So is it okay to participate if you’re having your period?Oh Sorry!I meant pads,I always get confused or mixed up with the two words,tampons and pads.I use Pads,not tampons.Sorry.@Shan (First Answer)-Okay,Thank you.@anne elizabeth (Second Answer)-Sorry,I meant pads!I always get confused with the two words,I use PADS,Not tampons.Thank you though!!Can you please answer question 3 and 4 please?Thank you.@Marisa (Third Answer)-Okay.Thank you.(I meant pads by the way!I always get confused with the two words,I use PADS,Not tampons.Thank you though!)@sputnika57 (Fourth Answer)-Thank you,(I meant pads by the way!I always get confused with the two words,I use PADS,Not tampons.Thank you though!)@mitch (Fith Answer)-Thank you and I meant pads by the way!I always get confused with the two words,I use PADS,Not tampons.Thank you though!)And yes,I’m 11,Lol I just know how to use my Grammer correctly and stuff. 😛
A: your 11, and its dangerous for you to use tampons.you should use pads. scented pads if your worried about the smell1. you should change your pad… uhmm, well i do about four times a day maybe. depends on your type of pads. and you can feel when you need to change2. you shouldnt wear tampons.3. you shouldnt wear tampons.4. yes its okay to participate. tell your gym teacher that your on your period, and he/she might let you take it easy.
How would you respond if he was your boyfriend. Both Girls & guys answer. Please read ALL. Thanks.?
Q: Chantalle,I have decided to write to you because I can express myself more freely and you can hear my words without the need for defending your own. I want to start by saying that how you treated me the on Sunday was hurtful and ironically insensitive considering that I have received a lecture from you for not being mindful of your feelings. I truly believe that you are a good person and that your capacity for good things far outweighs your occasional tendency for ignorance, arrogance and malice. You just treat me like shit sometimes, just as I do to you. I don’t have anything to hide yet I feel inadequate and inferior to the way that I use to look a couple of years ago and that is why you perceive my behaviour as being insecure and having a problem. It is not right however to be aggressive with what you want and insult when you don’t get your way. Then on top of all that compare your self image with mine. How would you like it if every time you wear makeup I tell you that I never wear it and ask you why you’re so insecure about your skin? One thing I can thank you for is forcing me to turn my eyes back upon my own denied insecurity of my body image. It is truly helping me to be extra vigilant in my effort to become healthier even if it is a painful reminder.Another issue that I’ve got to deal with is your decision to sleep in the living room because of my snoring. First, I’m working on ways to solve the problem, you are not. You are side-stepping it and alienating me in the process. What guy wants to be able to say that he and his girl don’t even sleep in the same bed anymore…? I’ll save you the trouble, and me the indignity of sleeping in my girlfriend’s bed alone by just getting the hell out every time until I figure out a solution. Its not like you even want to do anything with me these days anyway… ever since you have gone through some recent religious reflection I KNOW that you feel guilty about sleeping with me, even though you did for years. I sense it and it truly hurts me, but at the same time I’m aware that its part of principles that you live by so I can not challenge it. I just have to feel bad every time i want to be intimate with you. I don’t really know how I’m gonna deal with this but I’ll figure that out in time. Its true that familiarity breeds contempt, and I feel this is the reason that we have been fighting with each other a lot lately. I also feel that when you are on your period, you become extremely confrontational and difficult to deal with. You even admit that you are afraid of being bitchy to people. I’ve been keeping track and I find that most of our biggest fights happen when you’re on your period, therefore I think its best that I limit the amount of time that I spend around during this time to avoid problems. As for time in our time in general, I would still like to come and see you on weekends as I still love doing, but otherwise I think that we should limit the rest of the week for a bit. I think that we will both appreciate each more when we spend a little less time around one another. I feel that I’m in your space too much and that might be the reason you snap at me sometimes. For the same reason, I say dumb things and I don’t realize that I’m not respecting you the way I should.Chantalle I love you and it ruins my whole day when I haven’t resolved things with you. These are the issues that I should have brought up with you the last time I was there but my pride doesn’t always let me be so straight forward. I’m realistic and know that we won’t always see eye to eye but if we could avoid the big fights then I feel that we will have made some real progress.Love, JayI Truly want to change and I feel like he has some legitimate points. My boyfriend works at the bank but he also models for tip-top tailors as a part time job. Everyone thinks he is good looking but i can’t figure out why he took my question ” what is your waist size?” as offensive. About the feeling guilty sleeping with him, I felt guilty just once after attending a religious lecture. I’m cool to sleep with him now. Anyway please tell me how you would respond if you were in my position. Thanks a lot!
A: wow i think he wrote that letter very well in terms of grammar and at least he is honest and i think you two should sit talk and talk about it in person and try to resolve the issue
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