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Is it weird to have your period every 3 months if you have had your period for 4 years

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A:Secondary amenorrhea can cause periods to be absent for up to 3 months. Check with your OB. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-weird-to-have-your-period-every-3-months-if-you-have-had-your-period-for-4-years ]
More Answers to “Is it weird to have your period every 3 months if you have had your period for 4 years
Is it weird to have your period every 3 months if you have had yo…?
Secondary amenorrhea can cause periods to be absent for up to 3 months. Check with your OB.

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How many DPO did you get your BFP? :)?
Q: Just curious because I wonder if I’m testing too early, or if my period is just late or if I miscalculated.My questions:1. Did you get a false negative? If so, at how many DPO?2. What day did you get your first positive?3. Did you have cramping/stretching feeling for a week and then get your period, or get a positive HPT?4. If you used clomid or HCG trigger shot, did it affect your menstrual cycle by maybe delaying your period a little?My situation:My husband and I have been TTC for 2 1/2 years. We did our first round of clomid, HCG trigger shot and IUI this month. I had the HCG trigger to force ovulation on at 5:00pm Weds 9/16. They said to have intercourse on Thurs 9/17 in the evening, and then went in 1st thing in the morning on Fri 9/18 for IUI,So, I’m using the day after I got my HCG trigger as the day I ovulated, because they said you ovulate 24-36hrs after the shot.So if I ovulated on Thurs 9/17, that would make me 13 DPO today. I tested with an HPT and it was negative. However, I feel very crampy and stretchy/weird (hard to explain) in my abdomen and I NEVER get PMS symptoms more than 1 day before my period but I’ve felt this way since last Fri.I’m wondering if maybe 13 DPO is too early to get a positive? Typically, my period comes every 23-24 days — today is the 25th day. I’m also wondering if maybe I’m not pregnant and the fertility drugs and shot maybe adjusted my menstrual cycle a little bit?Thoughts? Thanks!
A: 1. I got a bfn on 6,7 and 8 dpo.2. I got my BFP on 10 dpo (but so faint everyone said it was a evap line)…… 11 DPO GOT MY POSITIVE BLOOD TEST.3. Yes im currently 5 weeks 2 days and i have had pms cramps (but no bleeding)on and off for about a week now.4. I was not taken any meds.* You should read the book TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY!!!I read the whole book and started charting on 8/3/2009, I was able to pinpoint Ovulation on 9/07/2009. And now im pregnant after 15 month of TTC….I THANK GOD FOR THIS MIRACLE…..**Its amazes me that by charting my temps, using opk’s and using Fertilaid….. I got pregnant.BTW THE BOOK COMES WITH A FREE ONLINE CHARTING TRIAL….USE IT!!!!!! If you do decide to get the book please really read it, You will learn soooo much about your body…and very possibly have that lil’ bundle of joy in your arms soon !!!! God bless ***Lots &Lots Of Baby Dust****
Why am I having an even heavier period for the 2nd time this month?
Q: Hi Ladies!I’m really hoping someone can shed some light for me, and convince me I’m not dying! (OK – I’m a bit paranoid)Seriously though – here’s my situation.I’m 38 years old…have an 18 month old daughter (had a great pregnancy and delivery…unlike the birthing experience I had with my, now 13 year old)My periods have always been pretty regular…every 28-30 days like clockwork..AND have always been very light, and only lasting 3-5 days.By light I mean by third day – one pad would do me all day if I had too (but ewww – I never would).A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with a bladder infection..again no biggie…get them at least once a year…however because you can’t have dairy within 6 hours of the meds…my twice a day doses were sometimes once a day, so took me twice as long to finish the antibiotics.I also have been weening myself off of percacets I’ve been taking since last July for a herniated disc. I was up to 8 pills a day, and am now down to 2-3.This past week – I got hit hard with a 24 hour flu bug…I mean I was down for the count, which is rare because I don’t usually get sick.The next day I bounced back pretty good, but noticed I was spotting…weird…but OK. It was dark in colour and I figured maybe it was old blood from my period that had JUST ENDED less then TWO WEEKS prior.This spotting has turned into full fledged bleeding, but I’m scared because it’s now bright red and FAR MORE then my normal period. It’s going on the third day now, and showing no signs of stopping. I”m going through 3-4 pads a day.I’m having cramping and small clots.I know I’m approaching “that age” where weird things can happen to your body as a woman, but I’m really scared.I’ve recently lost 20 pounds…but over a 7 month time frame, and I’m physically active on a regular basis. I eat clean and healthy, and still have about another 15 pounds to reach my goal weight.My Dr. is away for a week, so I don’t know if I should rush to Emerg….or just relax and hope it goes away.Thoughts? Advise? Similar Experiences? Please?PS – I can’t be pregant or miscarrying…my husband has been snipped and follow up appointment gauranteed him 100% sterile. I’ve miscarried before, and that was first thing I thought….but I don’t have the intense cramps of a miscarriage…just regular period cramping.Thanks in advance.
A: Yep same happened to me. Could be PCOS or Endometriosis (I got dx with PCOS). Get yourself to the docs hun (see a locum if you can), and they can give you something to stop the bleeding while they arrange a scan. x x x
weird things are happening…. could I be pregnant?
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A: If you are having your period that much then chances are your not preg. i would go see a dr and find out why your having so many periods it can be because of stress that mess up periods but you never know your best bet though would be go see a docthey will pro due a pap smear and do a blood test check your hormones to make sure things are going good. good luck
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