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Is ODD like ADHD

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With Oppositional Defiant Disorder there is an ongoing pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures. ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-odd-like-adhd ]
More Answers to “Is ODD like ADHD
What is ODD, is it like ADHD?
ODD is Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It is diagnosed if a person meets the following criteria: A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present: * …

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Where can I find a doctor in Central Louisiana who specializes in ODD/ADHD/ADD?
Q: We have been to our family doctor, a psychologist and school counselors. My 8 year old son has been diagnosed with ODD and is almost unbearable to be around. I am not a lazy mother, and I do discipline-so much that I feel like I’m punished. We can’t go anywhere, my son can’t be trusted to leave the house, and it’s straining my marriage. I don’t want my son to be a deadbeat or end up in jail. Is there a local doctor who will listen to me and possibly prescribe something for my son? I’ve waited four years to medicate him. My ODD parenting classes are not working. I really need help.
A: http://locator.apa.org/I recommend this site. It’s the American Psychologist Association.Good luck
Could it have begun with ODD/ADHD and then the bipolar surfaced years later?
Q: Ok, i am diagnosed with bipolar type 1, but I was reading about ODD/ADHD, and it was like I was reading about myself till the age of 18.Its like I used to purposely annoy and bother people, get angry and hyper. Or maybe I have ODD and no ADHD because I didn’t really have trouble concentrating as a kid(at age is when I couldn’t concentrate anymore), just very hyper, very annoying to my parents making their life hell, demanding things, talking back to adults but this was mostly at home, and at school, I was soo shy to do anything about it, so I kept quiet. That was obviously the social anxiety disorder.Around 18 I became really depressed due to a lot of college starting stress and a breaking up with my girlfriend.I later realized that this was my first major depressive episode, part of bipolar disorder.So I am 23 now. Till 3 months ago I must have gotten 7 long manic episodes and 3 major depressive episodes. I have finally gotten the help i needed, and when I was talking to the doctor, i basically mentioned the past 7 years of my life, because I don’t remember much of my past relating to feelings.Even with medicine I am slightly still annoyed and can become bothersome. I take meds for social anxiety and bipolar and i don’t want to add anymore meds, should i mention this to my doctor i i am feeling ok right now because of bipolar medicine? Or should I get this checked out.Another question is, can all these anger and ODD/ADHD issues have been caused by bipolar disorder all along? or do I have all three?
A: This is just an opinion, but I think it’s all pretty subjective. If you have been diagnosed with Bipolar after being diagnosed with ADHD and/or Oppositional Defiant Disorder, I think it’s all basically the same thing. The only difference is ADHD and ODD are diagnoses that are more commonly given for people under 18. In other words, if someone has a certain kind of behavior before the age of 18, he will most likely be diagnosed with ADHD/ODD. If he has the same kind of behavior after the age of 18, he is more likely to be diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. If someone has three different disorders, how can they tell which is which? The real point is whether the treatment helps or not, rather than if it is this diagnosis or that. I am diagnosed with Major Depression and Dysthymic Disorder (low level chronic depression)–is there really any difference? I don’t think so. When I was a kid I think I fit the criteria for ADD (not hyperactive) and sometimes even mild Autism but I never had a formal diagnosis at that time.I asked my psychiatrist if I should have a diagnosis of ADD and she said it didn’t make any difference, she would give me the same medication anyway. Back to the topic of Bipolar, it’s true that some younger people are being diagnosed with Bipolar even in childhood. I was reading the medical record of a 2 year old diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I’m not a psychiatrist, but come on now. How in God’s name can you tell?
What is the best advice you can give to parents of an ADHD/ODD 11 year old son?
Q: I’ve read a lot of Professional information and now I would like some input from someone who actually knows what it’s like living with a child with ADHD/ODD. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
A: As a former 11yo boy with ADD a.k.a ADHD the ODD is a new term that is proving to be totally involved with ADHD. I took Ritalin and it freaked me out and gave me constant erections for up to a day at a time. In the end after taking it for years I decided it was good for the other people but not for me. A new drugs out that has side effects I am not willing to pay for or risk. All three of the popular drugs are designed to make the other people happy and not the ADHD person. You are who you are and thats that… Its good to have everything in his life organized for him, when he is on his own if he has all his ducks in a row and his place is clean things work good at home. But once there is disorganization any time in his life messy room/can’t find his pack pack/toys/car keys/coat. he will slip into a state of totally loosing interest and more on to the next idea. Keeping him out of large groups is key to his social development. 1 to maybe 2 friends at a time and try to get female playmates involved if you can but keep a close eye on him, ADHD kids and adults trip out and shut down in large groups and can’t wait to get away to be alone. This is to help him find the best way he can to interact with people. ADHD children and men say totally inappropriate things in public and to friends if he has any, so its best to limit the damage and alienate his chances for friends. Really I saved the most important for last to get you to take this seriously. Sex rules the ADHD persons life. I put a few webpages at the bottom to prove I’m right here and not a sicko talking about a underage kids. ADHD children start masturbation very very early I can’t even remember the first time I climaxed. ADHD children and adults masturbate way more often than the average person at any age. Most ADHD children find that masturbating a bunch of times before bed helps them fall asleep. And again to start the day, I’m not sure how this works totally but I can tell you if I didn’t do this I could not fall asleep or function at all during the day, and had to masturbate many times thru the day EVERY day.. Over all ADHD people of any age have a VERY overpowering sex drive and also is almost impossible if ever to have intimate feelings with a lover during sex. It almost a certainly the boy is like this. Setting an alarm a hour before he really should get up is key. WAKING him up and telling him to get ready for school very early is key. Let him wake himself up his ADHD way is best. You just can’t stop this and if you embarrass or interrupt your just making things worse. If you find porn or anything with beautiful people in his room ignore it. You take it away he will just waste time finding more and hiding it better. A ADHD child rarely pops out of the house at 18 and is ready for the world. This ADHD will haunt him for the rest of his life. Two key problems are employment and relating with the chosen sex to have a LTR. Its common for the parent not to understand the ADHD child mind and the parent goes along and pushes the child in a direction they think is best for a future career. The ADHD parent has to watch closely with everything they are doing in play and hobbies. I wanted to change my moms flat tire when I was very young and take off her station wagons steering wheel to fix the turn signals when I was about his age. NO way was that going to happen, but the signs were all there I could do it with ease. But my parents pushed me on HARD and with much time and money put into me for special doctors schools, tutors god you name it they did it till they could go on no longer and let me go my own way but before the exhaustion I had enough help to function well enough in the world. Also I could not walk away from the commadore64 or Apple IIe for a week here and there at a time.. In the end I turned out to be an internet/ computer millionaire from the 90’s and owner of 3 auto repair shops 2 detail shops and retired at 26yo. My dad helped me keep the books guided me with decisions and helped out when my ADHD took me away for awhile. and mom told everyone how proud she was of her son. I gave my Mom and Dad a huge sum of money with a huge party to thank them for sticking with me for so long. My parents gave the money to research into the ADHD mind. The ADHD child typically has a very high IQ but looks like a dummy to the rest of the “normal” people. My IQ hovered around 190 after being tested 3 times and once on the other side of the country in a at the time famous ADHD testing and research place. EVERY grade I got was low when I was real young as time went on with all the help I graduated from High school with a 3.8 average. My dad was shocked. He is a physicists and being a number cruncher is was really really shocked. Just remember the sex drive of a ADHD person will run his life. I still l have problems with getting a good relationship going and masturbate a zillon times a day.Oh and I was adopted at birth. Probably my BIO mother drank and did drugs while I was cooking.
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