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Is your next period weird after you are off birth control

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A:When you stop using the birth control pill but you don’t get a period for several months, you may have what’s known as post-pill amenorrhea.When you stop taking the pill, it can take some time for your body to return to normal. No worries! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-your-next-period-weird-after-you-are-off-birth-control ]
More Answers to “Is your next period weird after you are off birth control
Is your next period weird after you are off birth control
When you stop using the birth control pill but you don’t get a period for several months, you may have what’s known as post-pill amenorrhea.When you stop taking the pill, it can take some time for your body to return to normal. No worries! …

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recently off birth control, 2 periods in 1 month, now im late. could i be pregnant?
Q: k – i had a period on august 4th and then I went off my birth control pill (that ive been on for three years) on August 16. Not but a day or two later, i bled, but it wasn’t quite as heavy as a normal period. It’s now been over a month and week since my first period of august, so im late. (I have very regular cycles)But i was wondering if i should base being late off of the period on the 4th, or the “period” after i stopped taking the pill. And yes, me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex during that time frame. Does getting off the pill throw off your cycle by a lot??Oh, and my body has been acting really weird, and i was wondering if maybe i was pregnant, but i took a test on the 10th and it came out negative. I guess i should just wait the next week or so out and see if i get my period…but i want to see what you guys think about the whole pill situation and the periods. thaaankyou!Oh and by the way – ive been crampy for the last 2 days. not like right before i start my period, they seem to be lighter and less intense.
A: When you take birth control pills and stop it, following days after you stop taking it expect that you will bleed. It is a medical fact.Body changes may be the result of withdrawing the pills as you have been using it for 3 years.The new cycle of your period is now every 16 of the month so expect your period within the next few days.But if you missed your period this month have a preg test again, to make sure.
If your pregnant or early pregnant and take birth control pills..will you feel really sick or vomit them up?
Q: ive been on birth control for a week and had sex with a condom a month before but the condom did come off in me after he came but he jus pulled it out and a couple weeks after that I was supposed to start my period, but I didnt..and I took birth control the next sunday cause I thought my cycles were being illregular and a pain in the butt again…but now im feeling really sick and i puked last night twice..jus stomach fluid and i drunk water and threw that up a few minutes later too.. and constant headaches and i dont think i been peeing more.. but last night i had some weird second pains in my area right under my stomach and above my vagina. i took a pregnancy test..but they are so cheap and in a different language lol it always said negative..but i have the same brand of ovulation test and they always say negative to me having a LH surge, no matter when i tested.. i think they are defective..i was wondering if you take birth control pills when in early pregnancy would you feel really sick or vomit and the things i mentioned?but i was on them before.. i jus stopped taking them like last october.. or so.. and i always take them at night and i never felt sick when i took them before..the same brand.. why would i have an allergic reaction now when i didnt before..?
A: ok, well id suggest getting a more reliable test if you really think that ones cheep and thats why its not working, (just to put your mind at ease) although it is not entirely unknown for urine tests to not show a positive result at all in the first trimester (trust me my mum had it) so i suggest you go to the doctor, they can take some blood and do a blood test for pregnancy.As for birth control pills they in themselves can make you sick, if its a brand you have not been on before it could be that you body just doesnt agree with them (very common problem with a combined contraceptive pill) also if you take more then 1 in a 24 hour period then that will also make you very ill and vomit everything up. If you were pregnant, it could be that making you be sick (morning sickness is a horrible term as it isnt just a morning process its an all day process) and the pill shouldnt make it any worse, people keep taking it all the time whilst pregnant as they dont realise they are, and it has no affect on the pregnancy or the person.Most likely it is the pill disagreeing with your system but as you missed a period i would urge you very strongly to go to your local doctor/clinic/GP and get checked out. it could be a number of reasons why you missed your period (urine infection, stress etc) and remember no matter how close your doctor is with your family and friends it will be entirely confidential.
Weird Period Pattern and Pain?
Q: I’ve been on Ortho Tricyclen/lo since November 2008, and in December I got to go home for a month and see my boyfriend :D. While on the pill, my first, second and third periods were perfectly normal, and I felt perfectly fine. I was reaching the end of my third period right before I went back home, and was on the placebo pills. Two nights before I came back to school my boyfriend and I had sex for the last time (my period had just ended). A week and a half after I arrived back at school, I was still taking my pills on time, I got my period again, but it was mostly dark brown spotting, some days very light and some days a little heavier (but not much). This lasted off and on until I finished my birth control pack. I figured it was just a strange, rouge period and went ahead and started my next pack. Now I’ve been waking up sick to my stomach, and sometimes even throwing up. I thought maybe I was having a bad reaction to my birth control, and I skipped one night, but I woke up nauseated just the same. Last night I woke up to the worst cramps of my life, it even hurt to breathe!, and now I have brown spotting again.I’ve been feeling extra bloated lately and I’m very aware of my uterus (it feels like a balloon.) I’m starting to think that this may not be just rouge periods, but instead that I may have some sort of infection. If anyone else has ever experienced this let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you so very much!Kat.
A: Some of these symptoms could still be a side effect of the birth control pill (an example only).Based on some of the other symptoms some of this could be related to something like a virus (an example only but some viruses can take a bit longer than a day to clear out).However, the only way to know for sure is to see your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they say.
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