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What about abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What about abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:Claus here! Yes, one of the symptoms of cirrhosis is stomach pain or discomfort. Thank you for using ChaCha! Claus out! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-about-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What about abdominal pain
What about abdominal pain
Claus here! Yes, one of the symptoms of cirrhosis is stomach pain or discomfort. Thank you for using ChaCha! Claus out!
What can cause abdominal pain?
Some causes of abdominal pain would be gallstones, hepatitis, appendicitis, or colitis. In order to have a complete diagnosis of what the problem actually is you should see a doctor as you might need medical attention. For more information,…
Is abdominal pain a sign of pregnancy?
not all abdominal pain is a sign of pregnancy it could be signs of some other medical reason if you are unsure you should speak with your doctor especially if you are having severe pain on a regular basis

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Q: I’ve been having lower abdominal pain, spotting, and nausea for about 2 weeks now. I’ve been on the birth control MIrena for over a year now. I have no clue to what’s going on.
A: it could be lots of things but you should never play around when it comes to your reproductive system. esp if you want to have kids in the future. you could have a cyst or a condition called endometriosis. call your dr
What could be causing my severe abdominal pain and blood in stool?
Q: am a 15 year old female who has been expieriancing severe abdominal pain for about the past two weeks. It keeps getting worse and worse. It is mainly on the left side, but my entire abdomin is in pain and slightly swollen. I also within the past 2-4 days have been expieriancing a great amount of blood in my stool. Does anyone know what could be going on?I feel that I should go to the ER, the pain is EXTREMLY severe, but my mom wont take me…what to do?
A: I have been going through the same type of problem myself through the last couple of weeks myself. I know that it is really painful. I went to the emergency because the pain that I am experiencing, I could barely lie down, or lie on my side, and I could barely walk around. The pains were like contraction like pains as if you were giving birth to a baby. You should go to the emergency to get checked out. This is extremely important, as you need to make sure that you get thoroughly checked. You will be asked to provide an urine sample, and also get blood drawn as well. You will also have to likely get an ultrasound to figure out what is going on, and the doctor will also want to press on your abdomen to feel what is going on. Depending on what they find, they might also do a pelvic examination to rule out other problems.
What is the relationship between STD’s and abdominal pain?
Q: What about an STD would cause abdominal pain? Is this a serious sign? Why or whynot?
A: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can cause abdominal pain. While these STDs are completely curable with antibiotics, they can also cause serious health issues if left untreated – so it is important to get tested and treated if necessary.If you are unsure of what you may have been exposed to, and have had unprotected sex (vaginal, anal or oral) it is recommended that you complete a full panel of STD tests, as you cannot diagnose yourself on symptoms alone. Most of the time, STDs are completely free of symptoms.For more information about STDs and testing, feel free to contact us directly. We’re here to help!
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