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What are abdominal pains caused from

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What are abdominal pains caused from”,you can compare them.

A:Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation, by stretching or distention of an organ or by loss of the supply of blood. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-abdominal-pains-caused-from ]
More Answers to “What are abdominal pains caused from
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Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation, by stretching or distention of an organ, or by loss of the supply of blood to an organ.To complicate matters, however, abdominal pain also can occur without inflammation, distention or loss of blood…
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A: If the site is well-healed, not reddened, has no drainage, it should have nothing to do with “stomach” pains. Are you speaking literallyof your stomach, or of your lower abdomen? There are many reasons for lower abdominal pain. If you are having persistent lower abdonminal pain, need to see your doc. No fever would also be a sign that is is unlikely to be an infection.
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A: Could be from a pinched nerve coming from your spine to that region.
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