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What are factors to not having a period

Health related question in topics Not Having a Period .We found some answers as below for this question “What are factors to not having a period”,you can compare them.

A:Causes of a missed menstrual period are Amenorrhea, Anorexia, Brain Tumor, Bulimia, Ectopic Pregnancy, Menopause, (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-factors-to-not-having-a-period ]
More Answers to “What are factors to not having a period
What are factors to not having a period
Causes of a missed menstrual period are Amenorrhea, Anorexia, Brain Tumor, Bulimia, Ectopic Pregnancy, Menopause, (MORE?)
Is there a chance of having a MENSTRUAL PERIOD during pregnancy? …?
Question: Can you be pregnant and still get your period? Answer: Well, no, you can’t get your period once you’re pregnant — once your body starts producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and your pregnancy is established, y…
What are the risk factors in having sex during your period??
Thinking that you won’t get pregnant having unprotected sex because you are having your period. Use a condom. Its totally up to you if you want to do it, dogs do when they are in heat…to get pregnant…see the connection?

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Can any of these factors cause a period to be late?
Q: 1.Starting smoking.2. Eating unhealthy3. Having a cold4. Having a ear infection5. Having a urinary track infection.6. Being stressed out. 7. Beginning to have sex. (But NOT being pregnant.)I am late on my period. I am not pregnant. There is no way i could be but i am just wondering if some of these factors can cause me to be late.A couple days ago i felt like i had my period. I got cramps, and my boobs hurt but it never came. What does that mean? And is it bad to miss a period? Will my period next month be hell?Thankss.
A: 1. Yes2. Yes3. Yes4. No5. Yes6. Yes7. YesTHANKS!
How likely to see heartbeat on early ultrasound?
Q: I have had 2 m/c’s so my doc is closely monitoring this one. So far HCG’s are great. He said to schedule a 6 week ultrasound. I think I ovulated on day 17 vs 14. If they do it at 6 weeks (from last period…not factoring in ovulation) will I see a fetal pole and heartbeat or just an empty sac? If you had an early u/s, when and what did they see?Thanks everyone!
A: I had a miscarriage scare and went in for one at 6 weeks. We did see a fetal pole and a tiny flicker of a heartbeat. I think it depends a lot on how cutting-edge the ultrasound equipment is. The office I went to had just updated in the past several years. Also, the doctor said not to worry if there wasn’t a heartbeat. He felt there was about a 50/50 chance either way, and the baby could still be just fine if we didn’t see one. But when I did see it, boy did I feel better! If you don’t get one at 6 weeks, don’t panic. If we hadn’t seen one that day they were going to do the hcg tests for me, too, and said that’d be a perfectly good indication of how the baby was doing.Good luck, I hope you get one!
Could she have gotten pregnant?
Q: well, a friend and i had sex. we werent in a missionary position, its like we were standin up and i was behind her, and i accidently ejaculated into her. I say accidental because i didnt mean to let that happen. But as soon as it happened she ran to the bathroom to pee it out, and a little while later she used a douche to get the rest of whatever may have been left. But to consider the factors… Her period wasnt on, we were standing up and not laying down, she peed it out almost immediately, and used a douche, and its not something that i really want to admit but i have to know this, my penis isnt exactly that long wwhen im standing up. but i did penetrate, just not alot, so basically i wasnt that far inside of her, so what are the chances that she got pregnate? also, i didnt release that much sperm… i never really do honestly.
A: LOL, it dosnt matter the position you guys were in, and actualy Doucheing will cause the sperm a faster ride to her egg, if she is ovulaingand you cant Pee out sperm, you can pee, and that will help wash bacteria that might have been introduced into the “pee” track but it has nothing to do with the viaginashe has a 30-35% chance of concving…
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