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What are home treatments for abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What are home treatments for abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:Home treatments for abdominal pain is plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids. Try eating several small meals instead of 2 or 3 larger ones. Eat crackers, dry toast, banana and applesauce. Do not eat foods high in fats. If no better, call your doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-home-treatments-for-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What are home treatments for abdominal pain
What are home treatments for abdominal pain
Home treatments for abdominal pain is plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids. Try eating several small meals instead of 2 or 3 larger ones. Eat crackers, dry toast, banana and applesauce. Do not eat foods high in fats. If no better, call yo…
What Are the Treatments for Abdominal Pain?
・ For those that are treating abdominal pains at home, one of the best treatments is to heat the pain…. ・ If you decide to get an over the counter pain reliever then be sure to get an acetaminophen like Tylenol… ・ There are some over-th…
Is it safe to smoke hookah on the first day of abdominal pain tre…?
a hookah sitting is the same as a pack of cigarettes minus the nicotine. Did you doctor tell you not to smoke cigarettes? if he didnt then your fine.

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What home-based remedies, foods, or alternative treatments can help a cat get kidney values down?
Q: I have a 15 y.o. kitty, Vlad, who has a carcinoma which has spread (abdominal, affecting liver and pancreas). He has been in hospital for almost 48 hours getting fluids so that we could bring his kidney values down so that he could get chemo. So far the values are still high and the doctor is not optimistic they are going to get lowered.He also has HCM (Hyper Cardio Miapathy) so they can’t give too much fluids. He doesn’t seem to eat or drink too much, but when I was (prior to him being in the hospital) hand-feeding and giving him water, he would eat and drink ok.I am really scared right now and I feel that there has got to be something else I could do to help him. Alternative perhaps. Something at home? The doctor said she doesn’t feel he is in pain, but sees him as a candidate for euthanasia because his kidney function is not improving.Is there ANYTHING I could do at home. Just take him from the vet and work with him at home with anything to at least help?Thanks,John*** I would really appreciate answers to the question I asked as opposed to people commenting, theoretical, online, and having no knowledge of my cat, as to when I should euthanize him. So if anyone wants to offer anything USEFUL, it would be appreciated ***
A: aww I am sorry to hear this..yes, you should try what helps humans1. dr richard schulze’s incurables program….use clark’s rulehttp://www.curezone.com/schulze/handbook/default.aspfor a cat dose, use the cat’s weight..the dose for an adult is for a 150 pound person. the average herbal tincture (liquid with eye dropper top) dose is 60 drops 5 times a day. so if your cat weighed 10 pounds you would divide 150 by 10 (150 / 10 =15) so it would be 1/15the regular dose (60 / 15 =4 so 4 drops)..if it was 15 pounds, it would be (150 / 15 = 10) so 1/10th the dose so (60 / 10 = 6 drops and so forth)http://www.curezone.com/schulze/handbook/CAD.asp here is clark’s rule2. also use wheat grass juice…this is sold at health food stores or as a grass called pet grass in health food stores..do not give too much like maybe an ounce would be a human dose as it can detox too fast if you gave a cup or something. If you can’t find it, try barley grass powder from health food store or wheat grass powder but fresh is best…maybe the cat can chew it..you need a wheat grass juicer as it will break a blender but if you have the grass, cut into 1/2 pieces and blend with water and some of it should go into the water (so give more in this case)3. Also use the hoxsey formula..cat dose4. also use essaic tea.all of these things have reversed cancer in people.5. also raw fruits and veggies and their juices and green tea contain enzymes that break sown the protein coating that surrounds each cancer cell so the immune system can then kill he cancer. Since cat are not vegetarians, I wonder if the enzymes in raw meat would have the same effect. Use freerange meat as this is safer. blend and add some veggie juice (fresh juiced not canned) like carrots and kale and beets and blend with the raw meat or grind it all up and give it to the cat.http://www.curezone.com/schulze/handbook/default.asp here is the incurables program…if you can’t find the hoxsey formula you can use Schultze detox formula..6 check this thoroughly as well –this website should be of help to search…it deals with sick petshttp://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/http://search.freefind.com/servlet/freefind?id=9609505&pageid=r&mode=ALL&query=kidneyshttp://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/urine_untoldstory.htm7. urine therapy is said to be extremely helpful for these problems.8.cordyceps mushrooms have been said to greatly help kidney disease…open the caps and figure out a cat dose and add to the food9.also give the cat blood cleansing herbs ..get a burdock tincture..again use a pet dose ..the human dose is usually 60 drops 5 times a day for tinctures. This is to help with the poisons from nonfunctional kidneys. Parsley root is a good one..it is sold in the produce department of some meijers and looks like a carrot with a parsley looking top like a carrot but white..juice it and add to food or make a tincture and give by drops (kidneys)hope this helps…it is unlikely you could do this with the cat at the vets.
What should be the treatment for a patient like this?
Q: My mom had caught with “Cirrhosis of the Liver” back in 2000. It got diagnosed in 2002 when she started feeling tired, no appetite, swollen feet, blue marks on skin and abdominal pain. Doctors also told us that she has “Hepatitis C”. We started her treatment with “Roferon 3mu”. After six months she got better. We found last year that her “Cirrhosis of the Liver” problem is again disturbing her health. We took her for blood test but there were no detections of “Hepatitis” anymore. Doctor told us that her liver is damaged and it is in the “De-compensated Stage”. It can not be reversed but it can be stopped to go further. Now she has swollen feet again, watter in abdomen, blue marks on lower legs, itching skin, minor fever, a little high blood pressure but she is not a Diabetic. Her last test results were these. (i called her home to get these readings. if you find any trouble you can e-mail for this.)XXX (should be) actually isAlbumin (3.5-5.5) 2.3Platelets (150-400) 111WBCS (4-11) 5.63RBCS (4-6) 3.82HGB (11.5-17.5) 12.1HCT (36-54) 36.2MCV (76-96) 94.8MCH (27-33)31.7MCHC (33-35) 33.4RDW-CV (11.5-14.5) 15.5Neut (40-75) 59.7Lymp (20-45) 30.7Mono (2-10) 7.5EOS (upto0.6) 1.6Baso (0.0-1.5) 0.5Portion in urine (5.5-8) 8GGT (5-36) 71Alkaline Phosphates (35-104) 130AST (10-35) 38ALT (10-35) 34Total bilirubin (upto 1) 2.17Creatinine (0.50-0.90) 0.62Urea nitrogen (6-20) 10.4Now she is taking1- Spiromide 40mg (Hydrochlorothiazide)2- Siliver (For Liver)3- K-Vit (Vitamin K)4- Moderatic (ANTIHYPERTENSIVES)5- Seven Seas (cod liver oil)Her dite isA lot of egg whitesvegetablesfruitsbreadolive oil for light cookingNo meat, No fish, No chicken, No fried eatables, No salt, No spices————————————–…AFTER READING ALL THIS IF ANY DOCTOR (HEPATOLOGIST) THINKS THAT THERE IS SOMETHING MORE WE SHOULD DO FOR OUR MOTHER (WE ARE TWO BROTHERS) PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME. TELL ME REALLY SOON PLEASE. I WISH ANSWERS COME REALLY QUICK. PLEASE DOCTORS! I AM WAITING. INFACT WE BOTH THE BROTHERS ARE ANXIOUSLY WAITING FOR YOUR KIND ANSWERES
A: She should be evaluated for a liver transplant as soon as possible. She has decompensated end stage liver disease. Without a liver transplant , her life expectancy will likely be short, a median survival of less than two years is usually agreed upon by the world over. There is a good liver cirrhosis support group at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/livercirrhosissupport/
please help I am scared badly…need advise?
Q: major car wreck (50 mph) 11 days ago..admitted 3 days hospital and released. Severe nausea and pain ion stomach, severe dizziness, pallor..diagnosed with internal bleeding.. scalene laceration and liver laceration.. grade 2 or 3 ..was going to remove my spleen and part of liver..then decided to watch and wait..hospitalized 3 days or so..there said they do not have to remove it..they released me at 7 hemoglobin..normal is 12 or 13..a month before accident last blood work showed anemia..What can I do not to make it bleed more and to heal it…are there any behavioral or herbal treatment…I got home and typed for 2 hours and now feeling abdominal pains and nausea and am scared maybe I made it worst…no car if need to go to hospital..should I stay in bed (they said to walk in physical therapy..only gave me pain med prescription and said return in one week and dont liftcan fear make it hurt more? What can I do..would cayenne stop the bleeding (they said the blood in abdomen wouldgradually reabsorb and the wounds close up..I don’t want to do anything that would cause it to re injure or lose my spleen..can herbs help..should I do nothing but rest in bed?that should read spleen injury not scalene aboveI was just released from the hospital tonight and yes it is all too real
A: Janie,If you are concerned get proessional help the internet doesn’t count! No it is not necessary to take any other drugs for stopping bleeding and as far as i am aware no herbal remedies help. Are you experiencing worsenning nausea and pain in stomach, severe dizziness, pallor? If so GO TO HOSPITAL NOW. It could be serious. Good nutrition is important for healing, so if you are too nauseas to eat then you need some medications for this (see a GP). Fear will not help things and anxiety make pain seem much worse. Have you got a friend you can talk to?Chris- Registered Nurse.
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