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What are some cure for menstrual cramps

Health related question in topics for Menstrual Cramps .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some cure for menstrual cramps”,you can compare them.

A:Abdominal massage, yoga, or orgasmic sexual activity help. A heating pad applied to the abdominal area may relieve the pain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-cure-for-menstrual-cramps ]
More Answers to “What are some cure for menstrual cramps
What are some cure for menstrual cramps
Abdominal massage, yoga , or orgasmic sexual activity help. A heating pad applied to the abdominal area may relieve the pain.
How to cure menstrual cramps?
drink red bean soup. :mellow3: heard from a taiwan tv show before tt cold pads are better for menstrual cramps cos the place where the menstrual came from is expending. therefore, cramp. so cold pad will contract it. haven try before thou :…
What is the best cure for Menstrual cramps and what do you do??
Advil, a hot bath, a hot water bottle or masturbation/sex. Orgasms are good for cramps.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Really terrible menstrual cramps?
Q: I started my period when I was 11, and always have had terrible cramps. To help make the cramps more bearable, my docot put me on birth control pills when I was 11. I’m 14 now, and have tried at least 5 different birth control pills to help with my pain. Right now I’m on Yaz and it’s okay for my irritability, but on the Saturday and Sunday that I start my period at the end of the month, I have THE WORSE pain I’ve ever been able to imagine. Those two days of my period I have to literally curl up in a ball with my eyes closed, take a few extra strength painkillers, put heat on my back and wedge a towel under my stomach for the entire day. I am useless on that weekend of the end of each month. I have no idea what to do with myself. My period cramps or the most dreaded thing… I feel I’ve been dealing with them for too long with no cure, and I don’t want to continue dealing with them every month for the next forty years! Please help me with some advice as to what I should do. Are there any prescriptions I can take? Could there possibly be something wrong with me? Are there operations that could be done to stop my pains? Should I try a certain birth control pill or even come off of them (even though my pains are the reason that I am on them?)Your help is really appreciated!
A: Put the heat on your tummy instead of your back. Start taking pain relievers a day before your period is due (advil is a good one) and take them during your period. There are medications the Dr can give you but it’s like pulling teeth to get them. No surgeries I know of will help at your age. I also had horrible cramps so I know the pain you go through. I lived on aspirin because it thins the blood and made the cramps more bearable. Try a different birth control pill. Some gals just have bad pains and others breeze through their periods. Those pains are nothing compared to giving birth. They say exercise helps the pain because it gets the blood flowing down there and more blood flow to the area helps pain so try to exercise even if it’s just pulling your legs to your chest while laying on the bed with the heat on your tummy.
Really terrible menstrual cramps?
Q: I started my period when I was 11, and always have had terrible cramps. To help make the cramps more bearable, my docot put me on birth control pills when I was 11. I’m 14 now, and have tried at least 5 different birth control pills to help with my pain. Right now I’m on Yaz and it’s okay for my irritability, but on the Saturday and Sunday that I start my period at the end of the month, I have THE WORSE pain I’ve ever been able to imagine. Those two days of my period I have to literally curl up in a ball with my eyes closed, take a few extra strength painkillers, put heat on my back and wedge a towel under my stomach for the entire day. I am useless on that weekend of the end of each month. I have no idea what to do with myself. My period cramps or the most dreaded thing… I feel I’ve been dealing with them for too long with no cure, and I don’t want to continue dealing with them every month for the next forty years! Please help me with some advice as to what I should do. Are there any prescriptions I can take? Could there possibly be something wrong with me? Are there operations that could be done to stop my pains? Should I try a certain birth control pill or even come off of them (even though my pains are the reason that I am on them?)Your help is really appreciated!
A: You need to demand your doctor takes the problem seriously and find out the cause of the cramps – no good doctor would put you on the pill for cramps either, particularly not at your age.Birth control suppresses your cycles, it does nothing at all to cure the underlying problem causing your cramps, at best it would just cover up the problem – and apparently for you it’s not even doing that. Hormonal birth control is best avoided unless as a last option in birth control or to deal with health problems such as endometriosis, it should not be used to deal with menstrual problems. At your age it is particularly bad as cramps can be fairly normal for someone your age so going to the extreme of suppressing your cycles and risking side-effects of the birth control is overkill. Also at your age you need to be learning about your cycles, by suppressing your cycles it’s going to limit how you care for your sexual health in the long-term. Although many women suffer cramps they are not normal, they are a sign of something going wrong somewhere and if they are this bad then you need to find what the problem is – normally I tell women to look into cramps and treatments themselves, if you feel you’re old enough to do that then great, but really it should be down to your parents and doctor to do this for you. See your doctor and get proper testing to find the cause of the cramps – it may be a sign of something more serious, or it may be just hormonal imbalance because of your age – even if it isn’t anything serious your doctor should be trying to help you by offering treatment, they’re just being lazy by giving you birth control in the hopes it’ll hide the problem. I would seriously suggest looking at getting a good doctor! Why are you so keen to take prescriptions or have operations? Most commonly cramps can be prevented by dietary changes, staying healthy and regulating hormones, seriously – so many women suffer cramps because of their health or lifestyle, not because there is anything seriously wrong that requires medical treatment! Look at reasons why you may be suffering cramps, it may be down to something medical, but it is more likely to do with hormones or lifestyle such as diet. If all else fails then I would strongly recommend you come off the pill, instead try getting your doctor to give you Mefenamic acid which will be a lot more helpful, you’d also not have your menstrual cycles suppressed, or worry about as many side-effects. Rather than write down a load of treatments, preventative measures or cures I’m going to ask you take a look at my answer to this question about cramps, there are a few basic ideas on how to prevent or treat cramps which WILL be helpful to you – http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AkiqgDyT_0BzpV5LkswDStEhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100214151505AAdMFvC&show=7#profile-info-doWcO09gaa
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