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What are some reasons for not having a period

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A:A common cause of amenorrhea or irregular periods is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Makes peoples periods very irregular. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-reasons-for-not-having-a-period ]
More Answers to “What are some reasons for not having a period
What are reasons for not having a period?
A girl’s period, also known as menstruation, begins after she reaches puberty. Girls usually get their first periods between the ages of 10 and 16, which is about 2 to 2-½ years after their first signs of puberty (breast development is usua…
What could be the reasons for having three periods within one mon…?
There are many reasons you could be having an irregular period cycle. Some include weight gain, weight loss , and birth control.
What are the reasons for having a late period?
There are a lot of reasons! Stress is usually the main one, but there are tons of reasons for a period to be late. There are many reasons periods are late. Stress is the big one. It is also a sign for pregnancy if you have had sex, most com…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some reasons that my period has been off?
Q: I’m seventeen and still a virgin.For the past three months, I’ve been starting my period very early, before the next month has even started.As far as I’m concerned I’m not stressed.There’s no pain or weird feeling and I don’t think I’m sick.Is it just because I’m young and my period still hasn’t decided to settle?
A: If youve only recently started getting periods (are in the first few years) then its quite likely that what your guessing is right. Its actually quite normal for periods to be irregular in the first few years of them first starting. Infact, some girls have reported having a period and then not having one for another few months. If you still have any concerns later on down the track then you should go to see your GP for piece of mind.
What are some reasons to have a period 2 weeks early?
Q: I usually do not start my period until the last week of the month closer to the first. I just got off my period not even 2 weeks ago and I am already starting it again. What are some reasons to have an early period?Oh and I have been on a regular cycle since my daughter was born 4 years ago, I was stressed out a week and a half ago but for like 2 days and not since then, and I do not smoke drink or anything.
A: Hm. First off, I know it must suck to be bleeding again, and I truly understand how you feel.Is there a chance that you could pregnant? I’m asking because sometimes, when you first conceive, you can have implantation bleeding, which happens when the egg settles into the lining of your uterus. Also, if you’re just slightly spotty and not full on bleeding, you could just be ovulating. Sometimes, women bleed a little with ovulation. It’s nothing to worry about. If you know for sure you’re not pregnant, then the stress could very well have thrown off your cycle. I’ve also heard of women’s cycles changing with the seasons. If you’ve always been regular and haven’t experienced major life changes (weight gain/loss, drug use, etc.) and it continues that way for the next several months, I’d recommend going to your gynecologist, just to be sure everything is okay. Good luck!
What are some reasons for a period coming a day late?
Q: I’m 14, and everything has been regular for a few years, and it was supposed to come yesterday, and it didn’t. Scared the heck out of me, even though I know I’m not pregnant.It came today during church, along with the cramps and the nausea and the bang-head-on-wall feeling that you can’t do anything about.
A: your only 14 soi your period will never remain regular even though for sometime it has been. As you grow and mature your hormones may shift and can cause that besides this year was leap year i had to consider that extra day as well!
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