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What are the symptons of gallstones

Health related question in topics Gallstones .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptons of gallstones”,you can compare them.

A:Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, abdominal bleeding, fatty food intolerance and belching are symptoms of gallstones. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptons-of-gallstones ]
More Answers to “What are the symptons of gallstones
Some of the symptoms that are associated with gallstones are pain inthe upper abdomen or nearthe shoulder blades, vomitting and nausea, and even yellowing of the skin and or whites of the eyes due to liver damage from the stones.
At first, most gallstones do not cause symptoms. However, when gallstones become larger, or when they begin obstructing bile ducts, symptoms or “attacks” begin to occur. Attacks of gallstones usually occur after a fatty meal and a…
Knife-sharp pains in your right shoulder. Shortness of breath, etc. My mom just recently found out she has Gallstones. Don’t worry! You can live without gallstones, but we had to call the paramedics because the pain was so bad. I hope you d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have all the symptoms of Gallstones, but the tests says I don’t have it?????
Q: So I’m 14 and I’ve been getting all the symptons of gallstones. This includes, EXCRUTIATING pain exactly where the gallbladder is, it takes over my whole body and i cnt breath it being just under my ribs (lungs).I have been feeling nauseas for ages now and i get bad pains in my right arm/shoulder when the “attacks” happen.I get the attacks when i run and they can last for a long time and stop me from continuing the run, all i can do is curl up and breathe heavily till the pain starts to settle a bit. It is interfeering with my excersising life.The problem is both an ultrasound AND a blood test said there was NOTHING abnormal, but its my body and I just know something is going on in there. I can literally feel something sagging down, a sharp, heavy pain in the gallbladder spot.I can’t believe that i am in so much pain yet APPRENTLY THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!!!!Has this happened to anyone else? How did it turn out? What was the outcome? How do i deal with the situation?
A: well i just had my gallbladder out in february and i had gallbladder disease for years but at first they told me the same thing you need to get a second opinion cause i waited so long to take care of mine i had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery it almost exploded so get a second opinion and tell them exactly what the problem is as you stated it on here and make sure you find a dr that will listen it toke me time to find that alot of them just want you in and out and they throw a perscription at you so hope this helps good luck
What are some symptons of colon cancer?
Q: I’ve had an off and on small pain in my right side just below my rib cage for about 10 weeks now.I’ve had ultra sound and cat scan test that showed no gallstones and everything looked good.They want to do an colonoscopy on me next week and told me to stop my asprin and plavix until after the test.I don’t think this is a good Idea .I just had a drug stent placed on Nov,just 4 months ago.Any sugestions.
A: I had colon cancer in 2005, at least that’s when the symptoms began. Both the doctors and I thought it was irritable bowel syndrome, but after three months of belly cramps and occasional diarrhea, my doctor felt a large mass on the right side. Occult blood stool test – negative. Barium enema X-ray – negative. Colonoscopy – the doc couldn’t get the probe past the mass. The tumor, along with 1/2 my large intestine, was removed in January 2006, and the ends sewn up. No need for chemotherapy (no significant benefit for Stage II cancer). I have read a lot about this condition and its treatment. Please believe me when I tell you that a colonoscopy is by far the best diagnostic tool to check your intestine for anything that’s not right. You can ask for a general anesthetic (injection) so you won’t feel a thing, and it’s a quick procedure. They will remove samples of any suspicious tissue for analysis. E-mail me if you have any other questions.
I have all the symptoms of Gallstones, but the tests says I don’t have it?????
Q: So I’m 14 and I’ve been getting all the symptons of gallstones. This includes, EXCRUTIATING pain exactly where the gallbladder is, it takes over my whole body and i cnt breath it being just under my ribs (lungs).I have been feeling nauseas for ages now and i get bad pains in my right arm/shoulder when the “attacks” happen.I get the attacks when i run and they can last for a long time and stop me from continuing the run, all i can do is curl up and breathe heavily till the pain starts to settle a bit. It is interfeering with my excersising life.The problem is both an ultrasound AND a blood test said there was NOTHING abnormal, but its my body and I just know something is going on in there. I can literally feel something sagging down, a sharp, heavy pain in the gallbladder spot.I can’t believe that i am in so much pain yet APPRENTLY THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!!!!Has this happened to anyone else? How did it turn out? What was the outcome? How do i deal with the situation?Just so every1 knows, I’ve recently had tests which showed nothing was wrong. But Im still in pain and would like to know why.
A: i have gallbladder attacks.. i havent had it checked but i noticed when i ate spicy things it would bring about an attack.. but if yours is just random i would suggest getting an second opinon you know your body trust your gut..
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