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What can you take for abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What can you take for abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:It is important to find out what the underlying cause of your stomach pains are – indigestion, gas, constipation? Try Pepto-Bismol or Imodium. Other causes? Please specify and resubmit for an accurate treatment method. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-take-for-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What can you take for abdominal pain
What does it mean if your stomach cramps and after you take a poo…?
It may be a symptom of irritable bowel disease. Symptoms include stomach pain, cramping, gas , bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
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A Cranberry tablet such as AZO shouldn’t effect a “urine test.” The urine test you’re referring to is also called a urinalysis, or UA, and is often accompanied by a urine culture (which screens for microorganisms.) A Urinalysis te…
Does anyone take Magnesium and end up with Abdominal pain like me…?
Hope. Sorry about the symptoms you’re having. First of all Magnesium is a mineral that causes muscles to not cramp or spasms. I know what Reglan is suppose to do and that is to empty your stomach ONLY but if it can’t empty to the intestines…

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Q: This is mostly because a few of my regular followers have been wondering what happened to me. Yes, there is a question in here, once you get past what happened.Keep in mind during what you’re reading that I also have a rather large cyst on my right ovary.Last Monday night (2/16), I started having severe lower abdominal pains and stomach pains. Later through the night, it was accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting. This lasted all night.We thought it was food poisioning I called the doctor in the morning and they suggested going to the ER because I might be dehydrated and needed to get checked out. I was still in loads of pain. At Triage in the ER they told me anyone over 20 weeks (at the time I was 21w) had to go straight to L&D (Labor and Delivery) to be seen by the doctors there. I get to L&D and they run all their tests and in the long run the doctor sent me home with what he called SEVERE indigestion.Ummm… No? I don’t think so. Who am I to question a Dr. though, right? Never once checked via sono to see if it was the cyst. So I did as instructed and went home.The next morning (wed- 2/18) I wake up in even MORE pain, and its all on my lower right side. Just terrible, blinding pain. I wake up my hubby, and his mother-in-law, who is already there and we had to call an ambulance to take me back to the hosptial because at this point, I couldn’t walk. I end up at a different (closer) hospital. They give me pain meds (morphine) and its not working, and they run all their tests, including a complete sonogram this time. Hmmmmm. No cyst. (so they say) and before ruling what it is, I get a pelvic exam. Dr. says that she feels no cyst, but does feel what seems to be ‘drainage’. She tells me its the cyst, and that in that case the pain will go away on its own after 24/72 hours. She sent me on my way and said to follow up with my OB immediately. Coincidentally for me, my normal OB appt was for that same day. I went ahead and called to see if I could come in earlier and get it over with, seeing how I was in so much pain. They did, and I went. I get up there, and its the SAME doctor who said I only had indigestion *rolls eyes*. I couldnt move, so when it was my turn to be seen, I told him I didn’t think I could get up to urinate in the cup as per usual for a visit. I told him what had happened that morning with the ER, so guess what? He sends me BACK to L&D to get my paper work from the other hospital so he can know whats going on. I get down there and guess what else? They READMIT me. I started to fight it because I seen no reason to be admitted. Supposively if you’re there, you HAVE to be admitted though to do anything. Ugh. So, there I am stuck there again. They decide to do their OWN sono while I am there, though. Keep in mind.. still in loads of pain which has never went away, and now admitted twice in the same day to two different places. So, the sono is done, and low and behold before my very eyes, the technician finds the cyst, still there and intact. Welp, now we can definantely rule that out.After seeing its NOT the cyst, I am sent home, AGAIN, and told to call back the next mornnig if the pain persists. So whats causing allllll the pain?? I wake up Thursday morning (2/19) and in even WORSE pain, now accompanied by sharp, jabbing, shooting pains in my right side. Here I go, right back to the hospital. Back to L&D AGAIN. The run even more tests and he then tells me everything in the L&D area of things look normal… they have to admit me to ACTUAL emergency. So, I go and get admitted down there. – This is where everything progresses quickly. I get down there, urine, blood, and an MRI. Several hours later, guess what? Appendix is the issue. Its about to explode. They got me in surgery immediately and got it out. They tried doing it simply with a procedure called larposcopic, but that didnt work, so they had to make another foot long incision in my belly at the waist line to get it out. They staple me shut, and now off to recover. I spent thursday-tuesday (5 days) in the hopstial before I finally got to come home. I have three incision sites, and two drains coming from my belly and abdomen letting some sort of fluid drain out. Its a mess, but the pain is finally coming to an end. – They were never able in the 5 days after to give me any pain meds that would work on me. No Morphine (even though I had a button I could use every 5 minutes), No Vicodin, No Hydrocodone, No Staidol. Nothing worked. Sucks!!End results as far as my baby goes.. and I am now 22 1/2 weeks along. He is now at a big risk for preterm labor, but the doctor said if I didn’t get the surgery, we would have both died anyhow. Lets hope he hangs in there a little longer.So I am finally home. After this 8 day ordeal, I am finally recovering. Anyone else ever go through similar? Anyone else able to use pain meds and it work? Maybe just some encouraging words/thoughts?
A: Oh honey, I am so sorry you had to go through all that. A friend of mine that is around 17 weeks had to have an appendectomy done recently, and I remember her telling me they put her on morphine, but it didn’t really work.You will be in my thoughts and prayers, as well as your baby boy!
Upper Abdominal Pain….need help, 911?
Q: I have been having pain for going on 3 weeks now… It is a little weird though… It is mainly in the center just below my rib cage… but it radiates to both the left and right side…The pain only accures about 15 minutes after eating (when I mean eating I mean eating a decent amount of food. Not too much and not too little, right about when your about to feel full). The pain feels like pressure and a major ache…I also have been having diarreha (watery, sometimes with a little texture), and very nauseated. Now the kicker to all this is that I had my gall bladder taken out Feb 2005. I went to the E.R. Oct 31 I had blood tests and a Cat scan, and they said my white blood cells were a little high so they put me on anitbiotics (2 to be exact; Flagyl & Cipro), other than that they could not find the cause for my pain. Nov 4 (4 days after going to the E.R.), I went to my primary physician about this…. He said he thought it might be C. difficile (I had been on antibotic about a month or so ago for UTI). So anyway my primary physician put me on 2 anitbiotics (Flagyl & Vancocin these primarily take care of C. difficile). Nov 7 I called my doc oncall and told him I can not take the pain that it really hurts after I eat and I had actually gotten myself to only eating a snack during the day wich would give me pain but it was tollerable, but when I ate at night it would be agonizing. He told me to go to the E.R. after spending 4 hours in the waiting room I finally got to the back and they did blood test and X-Ray (did not want to do a Cat Scan since I had just had one a wekk prior). Well once again they could not find anything, they called my primary Physician and he told them to admit me. I was put on a clear liquid diet with no lactose. It about killed me!! I was in for 3 days total (I got out yesterday), I had a Gastroscope & Endoscopy, and once again they could not find anything. Now during the time I was in the hospital I had alittle pain but the only thing I was eating was chicken broth, jello, juice; mainly things you culd see through. Well my doctor release me… needless to say I was really really hungry, the last time I had eaten was Friday for dinner. my husband took me to eat. I told my self to eat slowly since it had been a while since I ate solid foods, well I got halfway through my plate when it all started back up again. I sat there for a while hoping it would go away because I was still hungry. I went to see what else I could get off the buffet, but I had a hard time walking, I was dizzy, and the pain was so bad. I really did not each much after all this started so we went home. My pain lasted about 6 hours total. I felt fine when I got up….. If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it!!! I am desperate!!! I can not seem to get any diagnosis…. and I am to the point where I wont eat at all. I can not handle the pain. Might I mention I am also on pain pills and they don’t do much help either. And when I say pain pills I am talking about percocet.
A: Sorry that I can’t help much. I had a similar problem a few years ago, but it finally cleared up a few months after they took my gall bladder out. … I guess you have been tested for liver related problems and stuff?I am guessing the answer is yes, but have you tried sipping on stuff like slimfast (the one that’s supposed to control hunger for a few hours) and ensure? … It would probably be at least a little more satisfying than see-thru stuff but hopefully not hurt as much as solid foods. And have you tried applying heat when you eat and for a while after to help keep your muscles relaxed?
I have been taking lipitor and it causes terrilble gas and abdominal pain – what else can I use?
Q: I have called my dr. and waiting for him to call back. Can’t sleep at night from the terrible pain and diarreha. I had stent put in right artery one month ago, thus the mega 80mgs of lipitor. Taking Plavix also. Would Nexium taken right now help the damage that the lipitor caused? What else can I do right now to stop the pain and the diarreha? Have never had this kind of pain before and it scares me. Would appreciate any help from you. I have posted before and have gotten good advice. thank you.
A: Imodium tablets – take two every time you have a bowel movement will stop the diarrhea. The supplement , “red rice yeast” will take down cholesterol levels as good as any medical drug, two capsules twice daily. There are no side effects. Also metamucil and lecithin will reduce cholesterol levels. Try these and I can guarantee there are no negative side effects.
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