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What causes lower stomach pains

Health related question in topics Stomach Pains .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes lower stomach pains”,you can compare them.

A:Severe abdominal pain can be from mild conditions, such as gas or cramping. Many different conditions can cause abdominal pain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-lower-stomach-pains ]
More Answers to “What causes lower stomach pains
What causes lower stomach pain?
Eat yogurt or oatmeal these are really good at making your stomach feel better. Hope this helps.
Am i pregant? im having lower stomach pains.
Just take a test or go to the doctor for a test.
Can lower back pain and lower stomach pains be a sign of pregnanc…?
It depends on what the lower stomache pains feel like. If it is a crampy type pain, then yes, this can be a symptom of pregnancy ,as is lower back pain. Within the first 20 weeks.

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what causes lower back pain & stomach pains puls the occassional nausea?
Q: Have been having lower back pain sometimes on and off, with nausea or stomach pains.
A: There are a lot of things that could cause these symptoms, I would suggest that you see a doctor. It could be nothing but I am not a doctor.
What causes lower stomach pain?
Q: I tend to have lower stomach on and off everynow and again it will stop and then it shall start again. It makes me feel very nausous sometimes. It has been going on a long time, longer than a regular ache or virus would. Any Idea wat it could be?No thank you but I would know if it was that!
A: Eat yogurt or oatmeal these are really good at making your stomach feel better.Hope this helps.
What is the cause of stomach pains and lower back pains?
Q: Today I started getting stomach cramps and my stomach was growling like i was hungry but I wasn’t, it was an empty feeling. Later in the day, my lower back on both sides started to become a little painful. Also, my ribs have been feeling a bit uncomfortable for the past couple days. Not painful, just discomfort. I recently started birth control and i’m not sure if that’s what’s causing the pain. I also started running a bit in the mornings for 5-10 minutes. Any ideas of what’s causing these pains?
A: It could be anything in a list of 100, including changes in your body due to the new meds. Contact your GYN first to see if they are common complaints for that med. If not, see your Family MD and get a complete physical.
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