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What could abdominal pain mean

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What could abdominal pain mean”,you can compare them.

A:A large number of things including- appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis, obstruction of the intestine, blockage of a (More?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-abdominal-pain-mean ]
More Answers to “What could abdominal pain mean
What could abdominal pain mean?
If its been going on for a couple weeks, that im pretty sure you can’t attribute it to a med you took or a food you ate. It could be a pulled muscle, but this is unlikely, as it is under your rib cage. Go to a doc, and check it out, please….
What does is mean when you have frequent stomach aches that hurt?
For women the cause of stomach aches can be gynecological conditions such as menstrual pain, and ovarian cysts. Depression and anxiety are also frequent catalysts of stomach problems. Another major cause can be eating habits and obesity.
What does abdominal pain mean?
pain in your abdominal area..y’know, like around your tummy or just a bit lower.

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What could my abdominal pain mean?
Q: I’ve been to the ER on 2 different occasions, and they tested for all std’s and uti’s. They told me nothing was wrong, but my abd pain is getting worse by the day. It also hurts in my lower back. Intercourse is even very painful, so I stopped having it. It feels like sharp stabbing pains in my stomach.
A: i had sever abdominal pain and was having my period for practically all month and pain to go with it so sever I was lifted places and had to take scalding hot tub baths.I found a male doctor near my home that took a look and forund out i had endemetrosis growing every where on my insides and when i was hurt it made it worse ,when i was bleeding so did it make me do it more,plus i had got pelvic inflamtory disaese my inside female organs was huge and pressing against my kidneys wich was causeing my back pain.I am 34 this week and that was when i was 25 and i had a partical hysterctomy and then a whole one but now a days there is stuff for help ,don’t do what i did ,ask around you’re doctors office and see if i am right .
37 weeks pregnant with a lot of abdominal pain. what could this mean?
Q: im having a lot of abdominal pain under my pantie line and its really sore, i know its not because of sex because i haven’t had sex in about 3 weeks..i thought i was having this pain because i had to use the bathroom but i forced myself to poop and that didn’t help the pain go away. when i was 32 weeks pregnant i already started to have Braxton Hicks contractions and was opened 1cm. what could this pain possibly mean?
A: It could mean your in the early stages of labour…so go see your doctor
what could abdominal pain mean?
Q: before anyone asks i’m asking you all instead of a doctor because i don’t have time to go to a doctor and i feel i would be wasting a visit if is not something serious….so i been having this abdominal pain mostly on the left side under my rib cage, occasionally on the right side under the rib cage as well…and when i sleep it hurts when i turn, im not constipated or anything so im wondering what else could it be??any educated guesses as to what could be wrong??and this has been going on for a couple of weeks now
A: If its been going on for a couple weeks, that im pretty sure you can’t attribute it to a med you took or a food you ate. It could be a pulled muscle, but this is unlikely, as it is under your rib cage.Go to a doc, and check it out, please. It could be nothing, but why take the risk?
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