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What could be causing lower right side abdominal pain

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A:Constipation is one of the most common reasons for abdominal pain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-be-causing-lower-right-side-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What could be causing lower right side abdominal pain
What could be causing lower right side abdominal pain
Constipation is one of the most common reasons for abdominal pain .
What would cause pain in lower right side of abdomen??
Well are you talking about if you are running,working out, or walking for long distances at a time? If you are then you are probably getting air bubbles stuck below your ribs. Its know big deal. Take the arm that is on the side of the pain…
What causes lower abdominal pain right side?
Well it could be a number of things pelvic disease, gall bladder, liver, intestines and you also have a lot of nerves in that area. The best thing to do is consult with your family physician or go to the emergency room.

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Lower right side intermittent abdominal pain with muscle soreness, So frustrated, please help!!!?
Q: Hi, Im 18 and Female. For over 2 years now I have been suffering from attacks of lower right side abdominal pain. I have had appendicitis already and had that removed. Every time I get the pain it stars with the muscles in my body feeling like they are bruised all over, mostly in my upper arms and upper legs, I also become quite weak and find it difficult to lift simple things like a full orange juice carton. I am under weight but eat well and love food, I do not know if my weight is a symptom connected with my pain or just my natural build, I am also naturally weak muscle wise but become weaker when I have an attack of the pain and soreness. The muscle soreness continues and next it is accompanied by a dull heavy ache in my lower right abdomen. I sometimes feel nauseous with it as well. The pain and muscle soreness can last anywhere between a day to just over 2 weeks and happens randomly. I have been to the doctors again and again and im starting to get very frustrated because I dont feel it is being taken seriously when it causes me a lot of discomfort however there has still been a lot of investigation into it which I am thankful for. I have had many ultra sounds showing nothing, on physical examination when getting the pain doctors said now hard mass can be found however my muscles are tensed up around the area and twitch, it also hurts when the press on the back and front of the area of pain. I had a severe kidney infection when I was 7 which left me in hospital and I was told to be lucky to have no apparent kidney damage, I have been tested for kidney infections every time I get the pain sometimes they come back positive sometimes negative so I sometimes have antibiotics sometimes not and occasionally they help other times they do not :S on having blood tests abnormal amounts of urate have been found in the blood sometimes and other times not. However on almost every urine test protein, blood etc have been found, when I have the pain, but not usually the one which indicates an infection. When I am not suffering an attack I am well and mostly healthy other than being underweight an having little natural muscle. Please if anyone has had similar experiences and knows of what this could be id really love to hear from you!! I am so frustrated and just want an answer because the pain can get so painful when it peaks and im fed up! Thank you!
A: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=diabetes+kidneys&fr=ush-ans&ygmasrchbtn=Web+Search avoid sugar.
Right lower abdominal pain.?
Q: I’m having right lower abdominal pain since last night, i was also running a low grade fever of 99.8-100.0, this morning i woke up and the pain seems to have moved to my hip and the lower right side of my back, in what seems to be the same spot it was hurting in my abdomen. What the heck could cause this?
A: lower right abdominal pain may be caused by a lot of things… one may be appendicitis. but with appendicitis, aside from the pain, and the fever, the painful area seems tender when touched, there is a numbing of the leg and it may be coupled with vomitting… it is best not to speculate. go and see the doctor. it is not good to wait for the pain to be intense and risk having a ruptured appendix, if indeed, it is appendicitis… let’s hope it is not appendicitis…
Right sided abdominal pain at 32 weeks pregnant?
Q: I am just past 32 weeks pregnant and this is with my first child. Over the past 24 hours I’ve been having pain in my lower right side. It goes from moderate to almost severe. It’s constant with mild throbbing and if I make quick movements, it hurts worse. Also hip pain on the right side. The hip pain I brushed off as baby laying funny, but should I be more concerned with this abdominal pain or is it normal? Could it be causing my hip pain? Any ideas what is causing either?
A: does it kinda shoot down your leg? if so, it sounds like sciatica – the sciatic nerve that runs through your hip/lower back and down your leg. you could say it’s the baby sitting on it, but when this flairs up, it is often a symptom of a potassium deficiency. eat bananas…have one every day and it should clear up in about a week.
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