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What could cause abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What could cause abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation (for example, appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis ), by stretching or distention..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-cause-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What could cause abdominal pain
What could be causing this abdominal pain?
Had the same issues. My doctor told me that I had a small thyroid problem. BUT she said certain foods make you bloat. If you dont change your food habits up a little, your stomach will stay bloated which sounds like what is going on.Just tr…
Why can diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain be difficult??
Modern advances in technology have greatly improved the accuracy, speed, and ease of establishing the cause of abdominal pain, but significant challenges remain. There are many reasons why diagnosing the cause of abdominal pain can be diffi…
Can Constipation Cause Abdominal Pain?
・ Colon cleaners can be taken to help cleanse the system as well as alleviate impacting. You can have your… ・ Making dietary changes can improve the functioning of your digestive system. Some people are not as regular… ・ If your bowels …

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Q: The abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal symptoms begun 2 months ago. Many tests were done (celiac, H Pilory, parasites…) but we still don’t have a diagnosis. No blood in stools, no anemia. And we know it is not caused by stress. Any idea?
A: sounds like ibd to meread here for more informationhttp://www.medhelp.org/HealthTopics/IBS.html
What are the different things that could cause abdominal pain??
Q: I’ve had abdominal pain for well over 5 years, and have had some tests done by a gastro(?) specialist. One thing he did was a colonoscopy, which came out fine. That was basically the extent of the testing, that I can recall! I’m currently also experiencing quite a bit of discomfort in my groin area, and wonder if this may be ‘connected’ with whatever is going on in my abdomen. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can say to my doctor the next time I see him??
A: You wouldn’t believe the number of things that can cause abdominal pain. Is this specifically visceral pain (internal organs) rather than muscle cramps or surface pain? It sounds like it, from your question.The trouble with this is that there are just a few nerves running from the viscera to the sensory horn of the spinal cord, it is difficult to localize the pain in the first place. Abdominal pain is notoriously hard to diagnose, sad to say.Lactose intolerance is pretty common in adults, try lactose free dairy products or over-the-counter lactase (enzyme which breaks down lactose)… I think it’s sold as Lactaid.Heartburn, try eating less spicy and acidic food, take antacid tablets.Ulcers, can be caused by bacterial infection or errosion of stomach lining. Doctor can diagnose and prescribe antibiotics. Possible to treat with stronger antacids. May be aggravated by aspirin and certain other NSAIDs.Other gastro-intestinal infections, especially if you have diarrhea along with the pain.Irritable bowel syndrome.Parasite.Organ problems, like gall stones, malfunctioning kidneys, something of that type. You may need to have something removed or something replaced.Tumor, expensive MRI can diagnose.Yeah I could go on all day… do yourself a favor, write down your symptoms, when they occur, where you feel pain, what type of pain (burning, stabbing, dull, cramping, etc), the intensity of the pain, how long it lasts, what you ate 12-24 hours before, any vomiting or diarrhea, etc. keep track for at least a week and go see your doctor again. it might help diagnose your problem, and possibly save you the expense of blood work/ultrasounds/MRI. You might also provide a stool sample, they can probably test for parasites that way. Hopefully your symptoms are typical of some specific, easy to fix condition! Best wishes.
what could cause abdominal pain?
Q: it hurts right under the rib cage all the way down….it almost feels like true hunger pain…i try to massage it….it’s not like i have to go to the bathroom.
A: It could be a number of things. How bad is the pain? Is it primarily right or left sided?Left sided pain is usually benign, because it’s normally just gas. Right sided pain is usually nothing to worry about either, unless it’s excruciating. It sounds like gas pain to me, it could be trapped gas that you just can’t feel. Since it’s all the way down it doesn’t seem like it’d be a liver issue, it seems more like a gastrointenstinal issue. Try eating something and give it a little time. If the pain gets worse or if you start vomiting, call a doctor.
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