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What do I have? I’ve been getting abdominal pain

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What do I have? I’ve been getting abdominal pain”,you can compare them.

A:Appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-i-have%3F-i%27ve-been-getting-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What do I have? I’ve been getting abdominal pain
Why is it that after I eat I’ve been getting stomach cramps?
The stomach is very sensitive to stretch. You could try eating a bit less or not eating too fast. Thank you, ChaCha!

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Q: Could this possibly be endometriosis? I can’t get wet no matter what I do and my vagina feels like I am a virgin again even though i’ve been having sex for 3 years. The pain i experience during sex is sharp and internal but the abdominal pain i experience on a daily basis ranges from a shooting pain amongst the left side of my stomach to a dull constant pain in my lower abs and when i work out i usually have a piercing pain in my right side. I really need an answer. =(The pain i feel during sex isn’t due to me being tight/dry. It feels like a sharp internal pain completely unrelated to me being tight/dry…do you guys think this is*endometriosis*pelvic inflammatory disease*an std (god forbid)*other?
A: you need to go see your OBGYN doctor they will help you
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A: You are suffering from a rare disease known as elviosis which is the inflamation of the mental nerves. This means that your brain is liquifying abd will soon become mentally retarded…. there is no escaping this
Constant Abdominal Pain?
Q: I’ve had abdominal pain for the last two years, and it’s usually constant. I’ve been multiple doctors, and i’ve had multiple tests, but they can’t seem to figure out what it is. Weird, eh? Anyways, my stomach always seems upset. I always get naseaus after i eat, but tums usually work. The pain is in my upper stomach, and down my sides. It’s usually gas though… I know that i’m lactose intolarent, so i try to stay away from those foods. Does anybody have the same symptoms, or know what i may have. P.S. It isn’t IBS, ulcers, or GERD.
A: Maybe you just aren’t eating right. I used to get stomach cramps a lot because I would go most of the day without eating, when I go to school, and I’d get really bad stomach cramps and it’d make my stomach feel upset. I probably haven’t helped but I tried my best. Sorry, if I haven’t helped.
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