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What does the drug provera treat

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A:PROVERA is a progestin indicated for the treatment of secondary amenorrhea & abnormal uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance in the absence of organic pathology, such as fibroids or uterine cancer. ChaCha back. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-drug-provera-treat ]
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What does the drug provera treat
PROVERA is a progestin indicated for the treatment of secondary amenorrhea & abnormal uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance in the absence of organic pathology, such as fibroids or uterine cancer. ChaCha back.

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Do I have a type of arthritis?
Q: Hello,Tonight I went to dinner with some friends, one of whom is a nurse (also in grad school to be a nurse practitioner), and once we started talking it came out that I have been in pain for most of my life and after listening she said I may have fibromyalgia. I had never heard of this and I am always a little hesistant to search about different illnesses because I think when we want to have an answer for our pain, its easy to some how relate our pain to different illnesses that we find online. I know I need to go to the doctor but I am always afraid he’ll think I am a hypocondriac because I am there often, and for legit reasons.I am 25, no children, do not drink, smoke, or do drugs, work 20 hours a week as a secretary, no abnormal strensuous activities, without medication I have my period only 1 or 2 times a year, 143 lbs, 5’1′ and in the last 2 years have been struggling with weight as I was 105lbs only 2 years ago, have had a weight problem before about 5 years ago, same scenario as now.Here are the issues I have: some have been diagnosed & treated and some not even been brought up yet to my doctor.DIAGNOSED AND TREATED:- Acid Reflux- treated and unsuccesful, still have pain in my chest- Anxiety- treated with medicine (Effexor) and effective- Menorrhagia- treated with medicine (Provera), one time and effective- Infertility- treated with medicine (Clomid), one time and unknown if its effective- Vision- 20/500 vision corrected with lenses to 20/20- Migraines- I used to get them when I was a teenager-early adult about once/twice a month on average and was prescribed medicine, also I had low blood pressure which I was prescribed medicine for and both were effectively treated.- Frequent urinary tract infections, at least 3-4 times ayear- treated with medicine and effective- Weight gain- it has been addressed by my doctors saying it can be related to the effexor, marriage, eating habits, etc and so not treated.UNTREATED, NOT BROUGHT UP:- nightmares or very vivid dreaming every night guaranteed (I have always been a vivid dreamer but it has become extremely worse and may be related to my effexor)- takes about 2 hours to fall asleep at night waking up at least 4 times a night, I NEED a nap everyday (my naps usually last 2-3 hours)- Ever since I can remember I have been getting pains that a doctor would call growing pains as a child but they have never ceased and increasingly get worse as I get older. They usually happen 2-4 times a week, some more extreme than others. It varies from dull, annoying pain that I can “live” with and continue functioning to the point where I can’t move and I just cry where nothing helps. The majority of the time the pain is in my hip more towards my back and spreads all the way down to my toes. My hands, arms and shoulders sometimes get it, but mostly occurs below my torso. To be honest I think it is occuring more than I think but I may be used to it. Because if I focus right now, I can feel it between my elbow and my shoulder on my right side.- I have had what I think is bronchitis for at least 3 months (simply just putting off going to the doctor because it is a half hour away)- Only allergies are to nickel and salicylic acidCan anybody help? I know I should go to the doctor but I would like to know if anybody has had or treated any of these symptoms as all or some. I really do appreciate all of your help, thank you in advance.I would be happy to answer any questions about me that may help you answer this question.-
A: well i’d stongly suggest you have your thyroid tested. specifically be have TSH, free T3, and free T4 tested. i’m sure some of your treated and and untreated symptoms are a separate problems but many of your symptoms point to hypothyroidism. such as:-pains-weight gain-irregular periods.and perhaps you have other symptoms that you don’t even realize are symptoms. learn all about it and ask for your doctor to run the blood tests. and if you can get an appointment with an endocrinologist as they specialize in thyroid conditions. and what your general doctor may think it ok a specialist may think is abnormal. and regular doctors don’t have enough nor the right kind of knowledge to help in the long run. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/hypothyroidism-topic-overviewhope you get some answers.
19 and thinking about a baby…?
Q: >>First of all let me tell you about my life at the moment…I am almost 19 and my boyfriend, soon to be fiance is almost 21. Him and I are both in college, he is almost finished with his degree.>>We have been together for over 4 years now, and we have been 100% solid. I love him so much and he treats me like his angel. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect man, he has never done anything serious to hurt me.>>Lately, we have been talking about marriage and a baby, and we find the thought of a baby very exciting. Well, in August, I stopped taking birth control pills due to mis-communication of prescriptions and I didn’t get it on time, and I was already thinking about stopping, so I never went back on. My periods are still SUPER irregular, and they never have been before, so my doctor put me on Provera to induce my period. We also told my doctor all of this that I am typing to you and she decided to put me on prenatal vitamins as a precaution just in case I do fall pregnant. >>His parents want us to have a baby so bad, his dad always makes jokes about how he needs little ones running around lol. Also, my grandma told us she’s ready to be a great grandma any time now! lol. We are very close with eachothers families. If we ever needed help or anything, they would always be there for us. We alone do have money to support a baby for at least 2 years, but in that time, we would obviously save up more for when it gets older. We both have health insurance and cars.>>We currently aren’t using any protection, we decided “if it happens, great! if it doesn’t, that’s fine too.” So we aren’t “trying” but we aren’t preventing either. I feel we would be great parents, and we are both mentally, physically, emotionally ready. And I know some people feel like you are never ready, or there is never a right time. But deep down, it feels right. I would be a great mother, at least I’m not 13 or something. I would probably be a mother better than some 30 and 40 year olds out there who don’t care about their kids and do drugs and crap.>>What do you think? Have you ever been in a similar situation?Thank you for all answers.
A: I’m going to tell you something about myself that reminds me a lot of the current situation you’re in:When I was 19, my high school sweet heart asked me if we could have a baby together. I thought that would be wonderful, I felt ready and I thought that having a child together would bring us even closer. However, I got accepted to UCLA’s Nursing program, which was my dream. I knew that if I stayed with him and got pregnant, there would be no chance of attending UCLA to become a nurse.This was a painfully tough decision, but ultimately I decided to leave him (we were both living in Arizona at that time, he was to attend a community college there, and I was going off to Los Angles!) and we knew that a long-term relationship wouldn’t work.Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been if I had stayed with him. I probably would have been the mother to many children, without a job as wonderful as mine now. I’m currently a successful nurse practitioner, 27 years old, 13 weeks pregnant with baby #1! (the father is NOT my old high school “soul mate”- sadly, I lost contact with him). I am really happy with the way my life has turned out, and I’m glad I made the decision I did.All in all, if you think having a baby now will hold you back in any way, wait! You are young, and you should meet more people before you make such a life-changing decision. But it’s completely YOUR choice, and if you can support a baby, I’m sure you would be a wonderful mother.Good luck, and really consider all possibilities!
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