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What happens if I never get my period

Health related question in topics Period .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens if I never get my period”,you can compare them.

A:Primary amenorrhea refers to no menstrual periods by age 16. Treatment varies based on cause; it may involve oral contraceptives. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-i-never-get-my-period ]
More Answers to “What happens if I never get my period
What happens if I never get my period
Primary amenorrhea refers to no menstrual periods by age 16. Treatment varies based on cause; it may involve oral contraceptives.
What happens when you dont get your period for a month but i neve…?
your father raped you while you were sleeping A: I don’t think thats true. I heard girls get irregular periods a lot and its normal.
How come I never get a period?
Nobody can respond intelligently to this without more information. In general, menstruation is related to: 1.age 2. general health: malnourishment, anorexia/bulimia, disease and extensive exercise are factors 3. genetics/family history. If …

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Spotting 6 days before period. Never happens. What could this be? Help!?
Q: About 6 days before i was supposed to start my period, i had this spotting type thing only when I wiped after using the bathroom and it was very light in my underwear. I asked my mom about it and she said she has had it every once in a while about 5 days before a period so i don’t know if it’s hereditary or not? I have a normal period and it comes every month at its regular time and happens for about 8 days and i NEVER spot before it comes like some do. I AM sexually active so I have no idea if that would contribute to it or not. I’ve had unprotected sex before and he’s pulled out about 2 minutes before he needs to ejaculate and i’ve always gotten my period afterwards. I’d really rather not tell my mom about it and get her worked up over nothing if it’s nothing to worry about and it’s just a fluke. Can ANYONE help me? please! Thanks.Oh and i’m also having some cramping. i don’t know if it’s PMS cramps or whatever.
A: colored discharge is not abnormal before a period, or even just randomly. Our bodies just react to things differently. You may get it once or twice a year, or once than never gain.If you’re not using condoms and other BC you’re playing with fire. See a planned parenthood place or school nurse and get some BC for yourself, and always use a condom.
Nauseous before period..never happened before..?
Q: So I’m supposed to start my period monday and I feel nauseous and kind of light headed..almost like i have low iron or some thing but i know thats not true (i donate plasma my levels were normal last week) I’ve tried to find info but from what i can google all info is with regards to women who regularly get nauseousness before their period. And this is the first time and quite abnormal for me.I have not thrown up I just feel sick.What could cause this?- I should also mention that last week I abnormal spotted for a few days if that helps.And I have been sick for the past week (coughing) (I AM NOT PREGNANT)
A: If you have been sick, it can cause your period to be somewhat irregular. And as for the nauseous-ness, it might be a fluxuation of hormones or something. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong, you could always ask your doctor just to be sure. Maybe wait to see if it happens again next month?
I have never gotten my period monthly,what happens if i start taking birth control pills be4 I get my period?
A: I don’t think a doctor will gve them to you.nfd♥
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