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What happens when i girl misses her period

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A:Some reasons that you may miss your period: pregnancy, birth control, stress, excessive exercise, eating disorders, or amenorrhea. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-i-girl-misses-her-period ]
More Answers to “What happens when i girl misses her period
She goes to the pharmacy and gets a pregnancy test.
Some reasons that you may miss your period: pregnancy, birth control , stress, excessive exercise, eating disorders, or amenorrhea.
Shes pregnant

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

sorry for asking this…what happens when a girl misses her period..like a lot? maybe.. a couple of times?
Q: like…if a girl were to not have a period for say, a year, what would happen??? is missing periods bad for her health??? i heard in health anorexic girls don’t get periods so they have weak bones? is that true that missing periods weakens bones? to make this simple, what are the effects of a girl missing her period a lot?
A: When a woman misses her period for a long period of time, it’s usually because she doesn’t have enough body fat. Whatever the reason is, it makes her body think that it’s not getting enough nutrition to support a pregnancy, so the menstrual cycle shuts off until she gains more fat.It’s a symptom, not a health problem. Women who are world class athletes have very little body fat, and therefore no period, but they are perfectly healthy. If a woman is not an athlete, losing her period is a sign that she probably has an eating disorder. Losing the period does not cause calcium loss from the bones; the eating disorder causes that, because they aren’t eating enough calcium (because they aren’t eating any food).
what happens when i girl misses her period?
A: Shes pregnant
What happens when a girl have her period one month,misses the next month,but the following month it comes on?
Q: i mean is it just an irregular cycle or you know caused by “stress” or whatever but like can it be really serious or something ?
A: no that means you have a lazy ovarythat one of your ovaries doesnt produce eggsso only one lets out an egg every other month
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