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What happens when you’re lactose intolerant

Health related question in topics Lactose Intolerant .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens when you’re lactose intolerant”,you can compare them.

A:If you are lactose intolerant you will likely experience abdominal pain, diarrhea , flatulence, and, less commonly, abdominal MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-you%27re-lactose-intolerant ]
More Answers to “What happens when you’re lactose intolerant
What happens to you when you are lactose intolerant ??
You vomit or get diarrahea when you eat any kind of food with lactose in it. This is anything with milk in it. Some people develop it later in life. Some people can eat some lactose, just not alot. Some can’t eat it at all. I can eat about …
What will happen if you drink a lactose free milk even though you…?
He’ll develop a white mustache and everyone will ask him if he “Got Milk?” Other than that, nothing. His stomach is grumbling because he forgot to eat cookies with his milk.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when you’re lactose intolerant, does your body just reject the lactose or does it build up inside?
Q: I know that your body can’t break down the lactose, but what actually happens to it. I just had milk and feeling sick but nothing is happening, like I feel I might vomit but wont which is good. I’m hoping the feeling will go away.
A: No, you probably won’t vomit. What it will typically do is produce large amounts of carbon dioxide which will build up in the intestines and be very uncomfortable. However, that will go away as the gas is passed, and it really doesn’t cause the body harm.
Can you become lactose intolerant when you’re pregnant?
Q: The reason I am wondering if you can become lactose intolerant when you are pregnant is because over the last month I’ve had ice cream three times and each time my stomach hurts really bad… kind of like the stomach flu and I feel like I’m going to get sick, yet I never do. I had milk in my cereal this morning and now I am sick again. I feel like I could throw up and my stomach won’t stop growling. :o( I’ve ALWAYS loved milk and never had a problem with it, its apart of my daily life. What do you think is happening? What should I do? I need to get calcium in me somehow for the baby. Thank you for your help.
A: I had that same problem at the beginning of this pregnancy. I normally never had a problem with milk but then anything with milk in it I would just get sick to my stomach, except I would throw up. I was told to try and drink orange juice and even to take some chewable vitamins. Although I didn’t do the vitamins so I’am not sure what kind they were talking about I did drink the orange juice and after a few months I was able to drink milk and have things with milk in them.
Why am I allergic to EVERYTHING? :(?
Q: I’ve got a problem that my mom has too. We’re allergic to the most random stuff, but it isn’t simple because there are a lot of things that don’t fit certain categories. For example, here’s my list of allergies:Mosquitos, Apples, cherries, lemons, kiwi, deodrant, shavers, carrots, plants, grass, hay, animal spit/claws, milk, lipgloss, metal (i’m sure there is more but i lost track)1. Mosquitoes-they swell up 3 times bigger than most peoples bug-bites do and they turn into a big red bump. (Plus they are attracted to me because I’m blond? is that a myth??)2. Metal-ever since i got my ears pierced when i was like…9, my ears get peely and gooey and very itchy. We’ve tried hypoallergenic metals but they all do the same thing. so far it has calmed down to the point where i can wear rings but rarely necklaces. and my earrings and nose ring are a special metal.3. Fruit- I’m allergic to most fruit, like apples and cherries, but I’m not allergic to grapefruit, oranges, bananas, avocado, things like that. I’m not allergic to berries either, only fruits. What happens is my throat and sinus’ swell up and i constantly have to swallow. it burns and my jaw gets itchy. Also the first time i was allergic to the apple i got a big water blister on my lip.4. Kiwi- kiwi gets a category all on its own. When i have kiwi my mouth starts watering and it burns really bad and the entire surface of my tongue burns off and i bleed.5. Carrots- I just found this one out the other day. i get the same reaction as i do with fruit only not so bad.6. Animals- I get a reaction when most dogs and cats lick me, my skin turns red and there’s little white itchy bumps. I’m allergic to their fur too.7. Plants and stuff- This ones just regular allergies, kind of like the animals, pollen, hay, grass makes me super itchy.8. bath products- makeup remover, lotion, creamy part on the razor, deodorant…All of these things make me itchy and i either cannot use them or i have to find the super hypoallergenic things.9. Milk- I’m lactose-intolerant but not severely.10. Lipgloss- another product. makes skin fall off my lip like its never going to end.I know if you’re reading this then you probably think i’m just some crazy germ-a-phobe weirdo. Thats what i thought about my mom too until i just in the last couple years got all of the same allergies. Pleaaase 🙂 If you have ANY idea why all of this stuff reacts to me in ways it shouldnt, please share!Oh! i forgot! i’m also allergic to almonds and recently hazel nuts. i get the same reaction with those as i do fruits and carrots.
A: I could make a long list of my allergies and sensitivities, too, and I get comments even from nurses going: wow, you have a LOT of allergies! I’ve gotten weird bizarre reactions ever since I was a baby.We’re sensitive creatures! We must accept that, and work with it. You need to get blood tests for allergies if you haven’t already (NOT the prick test, those are not reliable for us with such sensitive skin).You need to read the ingredients listings on all products you use — all your beauty and personal care products as well as cleaning products. A lot of the new fad makeup and lotions contain nuts and fruits and things you may not realize, that THAT is what is causing you to react to (like in the lip gloss).I let my ears close up a long time ago. They kept getting infected. You say you’re allergic to metal, yet you have other piercings and try to force them on your body. If the other piercings are ok, then fine. But consider giving up on what’s not working. Listen to your body. Piercings are not necessary.If you have certain food allergies — do NOT mess with them, do not eat them, read all food ingredients and make sure they don’t contain the foods you are allergic to. It’s very serious. But confirm this with blood tests. Also be careful when eating out at restaurants and other people’s houses. Tell them when ordering what your allergies are up front.These are just some thoughts to help you out, help you manage. You’re not alone in this. Oh, and you’re not allergic to mosquitoes just because you get large welts. I get them, too, it just means we’re sensitive. I’ll get a red welt if someone scratches me. It’s the type of skin we have. My allergist told me that.
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