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What if your cat weighs 20+ pounds

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Try your cat on food that is low in calories but high in volume (to make your pet feel full) or mix in a bulking agent with her regular food. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-your-cat-weighs-20%2B-pounds ]
More Answers to “What if your cat weighs 20+ pounds
What if your cat weighs 20+ pounds
Try your cat on food that is low in calories but high in volume (to make your pet feel full) or mix in a bulking agent with her regular food.

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A: Your cat is a Wannabe, a cat that is not a purebred cat. Without registration papers from one of the cat registries he is a domestic short hair cat. registration paper would tell you his breed and all the other vital information about him.R P CATHe sounds so handsome!
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A: ok i would seach for anything at all on the internet and to get more money ask some family mebers and maybe do a fun raiser and get your cat there asap because i not am exspert but i thinck he might die if you dont so you real need more money i might just see what else you could also put on it at a store as some people and then buy thaty insead of goingto the dr but still save well hope i helped any i mean not trying to be mean but i am not an exspert but this is what i woulf do
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