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What is Adderall and Ritalin used for

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Adderall, Ritalin, and Dexedrine, are prescription drugs prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-adderall-and-ritalin-used-for ]
More Answers to “What is Adderall and Ritalin used for
Why is it that adderall and ritalin are used recreationally more …?
Adderalls tend to give the “desired” effect better,stronger, and longer. A 20 mgXR pill of Adderall goes for about 5 bucks here. The same amount of Ritalin goes for about 8 bucks. Yeah…I don’t live in a very good part of town……

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the differences in dosage between Ritalin and Adderall?
Q: I currently take Ritalin for ADD. I take 20mg 3x a day. I want to switch to Adderall because I don’t much like the roller coaster like ups and downs of ritalin. I have taken both before and I preferred adderall because it is a lot smoother, however, I don’t remember the dosages I used to have and what worked. So, should I take the same dosage in adderall as I do with the ritalin even though it is a completely different type of drug? Please let me know your experience with the medications. Thanks.PS, I don’t want to hear from any of you holier than thou posters who want to scream “RITALIN IS BAD!”. Post your opinions somewhere else, k thanks.:) thanks Omar.. I’m not in college at the moment. Because of my ADD, I think I’m a 10 time dropout. I stay away from the recreational drugs, as they are frowned upon in the AA groups I’m in. I have ADD from a trip through a car windshield <ouch> and I have to take it just to function normally.. Work and stuff. Remember to put on my undies before my pants, and whatnot… 😐 Ritalin causes major ups and downs. And i really don’t like feeling like I’m “high”. I do want to go back to nursing school in the spring so thats why I’m trying to get this all hammered out now…
A: adderall is far better
What happens when you (snort, smoke or just take) ritalin and adderall ?
Q: Ok so its far more complicated than that ! I only want those of you who know for a fact or have tried it to answer !!!So i have ADHD and used to take Ritalin but stopped cuz of the ups and downs, my doctor prescribed adderall to me but am just waiting till she gets it ( cuz we dont have it in our country so she gets it from somewhere else ) anywayyy thats not the point,i wanna ask several questions so bare with me,,So when i take ritalin i dont feel High ..cuz its kinda the dosage am supposed to take.and i wanted to know if i snort the same amout that am supposed to take will it just function normally or will it give the same affects of speed ??like do i have to overdose to feel high ?and whats the feeling that you get ? will people kindaaaa notice difference in the behavior ? will i get all happy and hyper, or calm ?And as for smokinnnnng ritalin, what does it taste like ?? and is it better to smoke ritalin or snort it?and how muchhhhhhhh do you smoke ? like a 40g ?um………..and if i was to smoke it, should i crush them first ?? cuz i have the capsules and not the tabletts !!…… alright thats it for now ! i still have loadsss more butt well, i already wrote too much, thanks in advance and pleaseeee replyyy, i really need to know ! Thanks xx
A: I have some 30mg XR adderall, I’ve heard snorting it increases the effects and hits you faster but I’ve never dared to, I don’t recommend smoking it, who knows what the outcome would be? Depending on your dosage you don’t have to overdose to get high effects. 30mg is highest dose and 60mg is a safe dose.I think the effects are exactly the same as caffeine, but with a buzz similar to…..? Alcohol. And well caffeine makes you happier because, you have more energy.People probably will notice the difference in you, you usually seem allot happier, more talkative and funny, you crack jokes and stuff… people usually like me better when I take it but, you can become very annoying sometimes. If you take a large dose you can start to shake and look like a fiend. “crack head or whatever” As for Ritalin I never tried it, but I’m guessing the effects would be similar. The stuff is addicting too so watch out, I got physically addicted for about 3 weeks, but I managed to quit, the reason I stopped is because, it’s really hard on my heart and I didn’t want to look like a crackhead at school….. And if it’s in a capsule it’s best to crush the beads up first because that gets rid of the extended release.
Confused about RITALIN! Its calms children down? Helps with attention?
Q: I’m getting so confused. I have recently been prescribed Ritalin for adult ADD. I’ve always attributed Ritalin being used to calm hyperactive children down. I didn’t know it was on the same level as Adderall for example, which is used for similar purposes. So what is the deal here? I’m lost. Ritalin definitely sedates me in a way and does nothing for my attention.I’m going crazy trying to figure this stuff out. PLEASE help me.I will DEFINITELY be switching to adderall (tried it a year ago and it was simple clean attention). I am just trying to figure this out! Ritalin always seems to be for calming kids down. Why! If that were the case then I suppose it works. I feel so dumb and sleepy right now.
A: rittalin calms you down by stimulateing your brain im suprised they give you rittalin the have better meds out likefocalinconcertaadderalvyvanceect.
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