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What is constant abdominal pain a sign of

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “What is constant abdominal pain a sign of”,you can compare them.

A:Abdominal pain that is constant is a sign of pregnancy, appendicitis, ulcer, pancreatitis and many more. Consult a doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-constant-abdominal-pain-a-sign-of ]
More Answers to “What is constant abdominal pain a sign of
What is constant abdominal pain a sign of
Abdominal pain that is constant is a sign of pregnancy, appendicitis, ulcer, pancreatitis and many more. Consult a doctor.
Can Lower Abdominal Pain Be a Sign of Early Pregnancy??
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Unfortunately, these symptoms aren’t unique to pregnancy. They can indicate you are getting sick or that your period is about to start. Likewise, you can be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms. Pregnancy signs include:・ 1. I…

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Q: For the last couple days my husband (who is 24) has been complaining of a sharpish ache in his lower left abdomen. The pain feels dull until he presses the sore area on the stomach which is about the size of an apple. I’ve asked him about if he’s done any heavy lifting or anything that could bring on a hernia and he says he hasn’t. I don’t even actually know if a hernia is possible as there is no visible sign of a protrusion. He doesn’t have any other symptoms.. no constipation or any problem urinating or defecating ect. He doesn’t have a fever, he doesn’t feel nauseated. The pain is constant at the moment and he said he’s felt it all day.
A: it could be appendicitis! get him to go to the doctors as soon as possible!
Severe Abdominal Pain-Female?
Q: I have been having Severe Left Abdominal Pain in the Ovary location for the past year on and off. However, this past January it became so severe that I passed out at work had to be taken to the hospital.Pain killers did not work after 3 different prescriptions.Two of the perscribed we Tramadol and HyrdocodoneThe Pelvic exam and CT scan showed no signs of anything. Not even Cysts, which I have a past history off. The scans showed that I have the normal amount of fluid in my Abdominal Cavity.It has not been as severe of pain or as constant in the past month, but about 3 times a week I will have that burst of pain in the area that forces me to stop what Im doing. I am so miserable with this pain. I can’t even perform daily tasks anymore without fearing that I will be dropped to my knees in such painDoes anyone have any idea what could be causing it?they have checked my pancreas with a blood test and it came out negative.My doctor hinted that I was being a hypocondriac, and so did the ER. I’ve become so upset by this. It’s a real issue, and the pain is real. I hate living like this.
A: I don’t know if this will help, but I used to have severe abdominal pain as well. I would move around though. Finally my gynecologist did a Laporoscopy where they go in through the belly button and vagina. They never saw anything on any of the tests (and there were many) but when they finally went in, they found lots of adhesions. They removed most of them, not all because some were too dangerous to remove. I have not had any abdominal pain since then. I suggest talking to your GYN Dr. I hope this has been helpful. It may not be your problem, but they still need to do more than x-rays and cat scans.
Upper-Left Abdominal Pain Under Ribcage?
Q: About an hour and a half ago I started having this pain in my upper-left abdomen under my ribs. It hurts to stand up and walk around and deeper breaths makes it feel worse. It’s a sharp pain and it’s been constant for over an hour. I was in a minor accident mid-December where my friend’s truck was rolling backwards and kind of pinned me between a tree and bushes. I had a couple little cuts and bruises, but nothing major. I was worried that I might have fractured a rib or something, but if it was related to that wouldn’t I have had signs and pains sooner? It’s been 2 months..I know I should be at the doctors asking this which if it worsens I will contact them immediately, but I’m just wondering what it might possibly be without having to pay an arm and a leg (no med. insurance). Thank you so much.I guess a few other things to add: I’m a 20 year old female, I smoke and drink but not too heavily.
A: I had the same exact thing about 3 months ago. I had to go to the ER because the pain had gotten so bad, it hurt when I tried to stand straight so I had to hunch over and it also hurt when I took deep breaths, they ran tests and said I had gastritis, it had something to do with what you eat and I had some pizza and a cup of tea that evening. They prescribed Nexium, but I ended up buying an otc med. called Omeprazole same ingredient as the nexium pill and it helped.
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