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What is it called when girls have to be on birth control because they do not have periods

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A:Amenorrhea is a condition in which females either do not get their periods, or they start their periods and don’t continue to cycle. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-girls-have-to-be-on-birth-control-because-they-do-not-have-periods ]
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What is it called when girls have to be on birth control because …?
Amenorrhea is a condition in which females either do not get their periods, or they start their periods and don’t continue to cycle. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Girly Question… Birth Control… Period…?
Q: Alright to start off, I am on birth control and this question is about that. I went to my boyfriends house and i forgot to take another pack of my pills with me, so i missed the beginning week of pills. I know that my pills say that if you miss a certain amount of them to take one until that sunday and start a new pack.. BUT it was around that weekend when it happened. SO. My question is when would a period be due if I missed a week + birth control pills.. would it come early?? Because I did miss a few before and it did mess up my cycle a little bit. I know what could happen and the consequences so please dont preach to me about this. I am 18 yrs old so I know what can happen if I miss pills and everything I know all about that. Please no smart a** remarks or comments. I want answers or else i wouldnt have asked on here. I know that I should most likely just contact my doctor about it but I was seeing if anyone ONLINE could give me an answer before calling there. Please and thanks for your time girls<33 By the way:: I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years, we have used protection, I am on birth control, but obviously have missed them. We know that I can get pregnant and everything we have already talked about that. ALSO we have had sex within that week that i missed which i know is a big arrow to saying hey you can possibly be pregnant. i know that. If i dont get a pd or anything i am going to go get a test to make sure what not. but again No need to preach to me about that. but if you would please just let me know if u have had anything like this happen to you or if you just know when its supposed to be due or anything( the period) I have heard that if you miss pills that it is supposed to come like a week after you miss the pills.. and thats not the case for me so. yeahplease and thanks.. if u have any questions feel free to ask.. but like i said.. PLEASE no smart, rude or stupid commentary/answers I just want to see with people ONLINE before calling, but i WILL call my doctor to talk to them as well. THANKS girlys<33I know that this is a pretty LONG post but if someone does read it and could give feedback that would be amazing.
A: If you miss more than three pills you’re just supposed to start a new pack.That’s how it worked with any pills that I ever took.Good luck!BTW most pill companies have websites where they have a hotline you can call and they will answer your questions for free.Hope that helps.
This isn’t a ??, just some info to help some girls/women who believe myths about getting pregnant!?
Q: Pregnancy: Myths and FactsMyth: I can’t get pregnant if I have my period. Fact: You can get pregnant if you have vaginal sex while you have your period. Sperm can survive inside of you anywhere from a day to almost a week, which means that the sperm could still be waiting for an egg to fertilize when you ovulate. If you decide to have sex while you have your period, you should still use birth control. And you should always use a condom since it is the only effective protection we have against sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). STI’s don’t care if you have your period or not, they can be passed on to you at anytime so it’s best to protect yourself every time you have sex. If you think you may be pregnant, take a home pregnancy test right away. Ultra sensitive home pregnancy tests can give you results as quickly as six to eight days after conception. Myth: I can’t get pregnant if he doesn’t ejaculate inside of me. Fact: You can get pregnant if your partner ejaculates inside your vagina or on or near your vulva (this is your external genitals including the opening to your vagina). There is also something called pre-ejaculate which is a small amount of fluid that contains thousands of sperm. It is called pre-ejaculate because your partner releases it before he actually ejaculates. Because of pre-ejaculate, the withdrawal method (when your partner pulls out before he climaxes) is not a reliable birth control method. Myth: I can’t get pregnant if he doesn’t put his penis inside of me.Fact: Pregnancy can occur when your partner ejaculates or pre-ejaculates near or on your vulva. Even if you and your partner do not engage in vaginal sex, there is still a chance of getting pregnant if there is naked body contact. So use birth control, like a condom, which will also help to protect you from STI’s. Myth: I can’t get pregnant the first time I have sex. Fact: You can get pregnant any and every time you have sex, it doesn’t matter if it is your first time or not. Plus, females are the most fertile when they are teenagers and in their early 20’s, so always use a reliable form of birth control. Myth: If I washout my vagina after sex, I won’t get pregnant.Fact: Whether you wash with hot water, soap, or use a douche, it won’t make a difference. Sperm are really fast swimmers and will get to their destination before you even have chance to think about it. Also, using something like a douche may actually help them along by giving them an extra thrust into your cervix. Also, your body works naturally to suck the sperm up into the womb, so washing after sex won’t help you prevent a pregnancy. Only birth control will. Myth: I can’t get pregnant if my hymen doesn’t break.Fact: Your hymen has nothing to do with your ability to get pregnant. As well, many girls’ hymens don’t break when they have sex for the first time (you might have also heard of this as “popping the cherry”). The hymen is a thin piece of skin that stretches across the opening of your vagina. There are different hymen sizes and openings while some girls may not even seem to have a hymen. Plus, your hymen can break from doing things like horseback riding or even riding your bike. If you have had unprotected sex, you can get pregnant, no matter what state your hymen is in.Baby #1 Due Mid December! –> I know exactly what you mean! These girls should be educated before they start having sex!! It’s amazing how little some girls know about sex, and still continue to do it, unsafely!I hope it doesn’t get deleted or reported. I think it’s a good thing to get accurate information out there. Esp now, since having a baby at 16 seems to be the thing to do! (16 and Pregnant is a new show on MTV, which I think is a horrible idea!!)Here is my question: How helpful was this information and how many people beleived these myths??
A: I’ve also heard of some girls thinking they wont get pregnant if they’re on top or they stand on there head or something those arent true eitherand yes this info is beneficial to those w/ questions about getting pregnant and I knew this loland 16 and pregnant is SUPPOSED to show how hard it is to raise a baby young but i’ve never seen the show so i dont know how well its doing
a few quikies for you now i thought that they are funny do you yes or no?
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A: Brilliant
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