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What is the cause of right abdominal pain

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A:Nonulcer stomach pain is a common, sometimes long-lasting (chronic) disorder of the upper gastrointestinal system. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-right-abdominal-pain ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of right abdominal pain
What is the cause of right abdominal pain
Nonulcer stomach pain is a common, sometimes long-lasting (chronic) disorder of the upper gastrointestinal system.
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Coeliac disease can cause nonspecific abdominal pain. It can cause pain in the upper right abdomen but there are other pathology that can cause pain there too such as gallstones and hepatitis. It is important to see a doctor to discuss this…

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A: In females – 1 Appendicitis 2 An ectopic Pregnancy 3 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease as a Result of an STD4 Something known as a persistent corpus luteum (it’s a fluke of your menstrual cycle)5 Ovarian cystI’d find a different doctor and fast!
What would cause upper right abdominal pain?
Q: For about 9 months i have had upper right abdomen pain off and on. I have been to several doctors and was tested for appendix and ovarian cysts. Once they found nothing, they said it could be a bad pulled muscle. In the last 2 weeks i have started having severe heartburn along with the side pain. I’m tired of being the lab rat. Could this be something to do with my gallbladder?
A: Have you lost weight recently? Have you been on a diet at all? Do you get these pain attacks about an hour after you’ve eaten food? Or when you lay down in the evening after eating? If this sounds familiar then you may be suffering from problems with your gallbladder. I had to have my gall bladder removed..
What could cause upper right abdominal pain pressure and pain?
Q: I am a 26 year old female who normally weighs 130 pounds (125-135 depending on my activity level and time of the month) who is experiencing tremendous pressure to my upper right abdomen. After 5 days of abnormal pressure I went to the ER. They did a sonogram of my upper digestive tract and an EKG to make sure my heart was healthy. Nothing came back as abnormal. As per the ER doctor, I followed up with my GP, who feels confident that the pain I am experiencing is coming from the outside of my body. I have done nothing out of the ordinary or strenuous to cause a muscle spasm, but I know from how I usually feel that something isn’t right. After a few days on opiate pain killers I have been taking muscle relaxers. These do nothing for me but make me go to sleep. I know that sonograms and medical advice usually point you in the right direction, but I know my body and feel like something is wrong. Any idea on what could be causing this severe pain and pressure?
A: Parasite? some sort of skin problem may be there. It also may be nothing. I’ve experience continual random pains for no reason. Maybe your not eating enough thus causing pain in your abdominal area. But im just assuming these things. I have no idea but i hoped i helped you a little.
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