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What is the information on a Big Mac

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There are 540 calories in a Big Mac. 260 calories are from fat. Wow! Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-information-on-a-big-mac ]
More Answers to “What is the information on a Big Mac
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun.
A hamburger from McDonalds
A Big Mac is two 100% beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Enjoy ChaCha with it!

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A: It is hype, just like Iphone and Touch. I’ve always been a fan of PCs due to their compatability and their being so upgradable.
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A: I think some of those are funny. And I think you have a lot of time on your hands.
What is their to know about showbiz and acting?
Q: okay, i need the works. Like a big Mac with everything on it. Please Please PLEASE answer the following questions with as many details as possible. Thank you so much!!!! First person to answer fully gets the best question award, but only if you answer them FULLY!!!!1. How do you break into showbiz?2. What info do they ask you when you go for an audition?3. Can you just go for an audition, or do you have to submit a resume before you can even audition?4. What is the audition format? Like American Idol?5. How do you find out when and where people are golding auditions?6. Does your local paper contain information about real commercial auditions, or just small town plays?7. What is the best tips you can give someone for an audition?8. What kind of personality appeal to the judges?9. What is a good website to give me information about this stuff?THANK YOU SO MUCH!
A: I’m going to try to answer your questions briefly and then go more into depth about getting started in acting.1. By being proactive – really actively pursuing it yourself. Not by waiting to be discovered or waiting for someone else to find you auditions, but by really doing everything yourself to begin with.2. When you go to an audition, they will usually ask you for your picture and resume (in some cases, they want multiple copies), if you don’t have a resume, they will want to know what prior experience you’ve had (shows, films, training), they will want to know what conflicts you have during the time they will be rehearsing or filming, so be sure to bring your calendar with you, so you can let them know any time you are not able to be rehearse or film. They will want to know about any special skills that might be useful to their production (singing, dancing, stage combat, musical instrument, etc.)3. It depends on the audition. Some auditions are open and you can just go. And some they want you to make an appointment for – but you can still do so without submitting your picture and resume first, you just e-mail or call and ask for an audition. Some auditions are by invitation only, where you would have submitted your picture and resume to them earlier and then they will ask you to audition. It can really vary. It’s worth it to submit for everything and go to every audition you can.4. Audition formats can vary widely as well. You may audition in front of everyone – including all of the other auditioners. You may get called in to audition in groups (of 5, 10, 15 or any number) and then you audition for the auditors in front of the other people in your group. You may get called in to audition by yourself – just you in front of the auditors. You may be asked to come prepared with a monologue, or you may get asked to read from the script, or both. Sometimes when you do a cold reading from the script, they will pair you up with other actors who are auditioning, and sometimes you will read with a reader who is there just to read with all of the actors. For film auditions, you will probably audition in front of a camera and your audition will be recorded. There are so many possibilities with auditions, it’s hard to guess what the format will be. They will usually tell you what the audition will be like (monologue or cold reading or both) but you don’t usually know whether you will be in front of other auditioners or not until you get there.5. You can find auditions in the arts section of your local paper, sometimes. A lot of theatres will have auditions listed on their individual websites. Indy films can be found on Craig’s list, quite frequently. There are websites like Explore Talent that list a lot of auditions, but I’ll explain more about that later in my post. There are also probably local organizations for actors, which will have auditions listed as well. Google is a great tool for finding auditions as well. It just takes some hunting and patience.6. Your local paper usually will have local theatre auditions as opposed to commercial auditions.7. I just sat through a day of auditions for a feature film, plus reviewing the tapes with the director, so I could really see the mistakes actors made and things that actors did right. The BEST tips I can think of is to ALWAYS go to an audition if you can, and don’t try to second guess yourself or talk yourself out of it. It is worth is, because you just never know what the director is looking for. Be very careful of unconscious habits that may be distracting… we had several people sway back and forth during their auditions. They may have read well otherwise, but we can’t cast them because it is a habit that is tough to break – especially when the actor isn’t even aware they are doing it. So make sure you’re not doing anything you don’t intend to do (sway, bite your lips, etc.) And make sure you follow directions. If the person at the audition says – take this form, go in that room and fill it out – you take the form, go in the room, and fill it out. You don’t take it and stand in the hallway to fill it out. The person at the table will pass information like that back to the director. If in the audition, the director tells you to state your name and the role you’re reading for – state your name and the role you’re reading for.If you can just do those few things… go to the audition, follow directions, and not have any distracting unconscious habits… you will already be ahead of the game, believe me!8. The auditors at the audition may look for different things depending on the role and show they’re auditioning for. It is too hard to say what it is they’re looking for. It is easier to say what they’re NOT looking for. They are not looking for someone who is full of themselves and think they are better than the other actors there. There is a difference between being confident and being cocky. Be confident, not cocky. They want to hire an actor they will enjoy working with, so don’t be aggressive, argumentative, or rude. When your audition is over, don’t over-stay your welcome by talking too much when the director has a lot more people to see.9. Oh, there are lots of good websites out there – and none that I can think of that are beyond the others, so it’s really worth looking and gathering bits of information from here and there. As for books, I’d recommend Tony Barr’s “Acting for the Camera”. And “Acting as a Business” is a great book by Brian O’Neil.~*~*~Now for some basic stuff you should know/do:A lot of people will tell you to get an agent. An agent is only something you should seek once you are a trained, polished, working actor.You should never pay an agent, agency, manager, or casting director any money or fees prior to you landing a job they sent you on. Then, and only then, do they get paid – and that is a percentage of what you make – usually 10 – 15%.It seems to be a popular myth in this forum that you NEED an agent to be a working actor. That is simply not true. You can find a lot of auditions and jobs on your own without an agent. I have done professional theatre, films, and national television all without an agent.If you are really going to go for NYC or LA and have already built up your resume, have years of training, good reputation and press, then, yes, you probably do want to pursue an agent – but an agent is really NOT the place to start.Everyone here will probably tell you to start at school, taking classes and doing school plays. That is a good way to start. You can also start auditioning for plays and films outside of school. Why not? Know that you are not going to get cast in everything you audition for – but why be content with just school stuff. You learn the most from actually doing.Without knowing the area in which you live, I cannot give you direct links to auditions in your area. Google is a really handy tool, though, for finding auditions. You can use craig’s list to find local auditions – a lot of these are legit – but always use caution and common sense when answering an ad from craig’s list. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If they use terminology like “casted” instead of “cast” – they have no idea what they’re doing and should be avoided.ExploreTalent.com is a good tool, if you know how to use it. They charge you to submit for roles you might be good for. But you can look up what films and plays are auditioning in your area – and then use google to look them up and find a direct way (for free) to set up an audition.You can also use google to look up local teatres. Most theatre sites will tell you how to audition (either with an audition notice on their site) or if it is a more professional theatre, it will tell you where and how they usually hold auditions and/or where to submit your picture and resume.So… to become an actress…*Read a lot of plays and familiarize yourself with them. Practice reading them out loud. This will help you for when you audition and you have to read something you’ve never seen before for the audition.*Take classes whenever you can. People on here will tell you that no one can teach you how to act. Maybe that’s true, I don’t know. But what classes will give you is practice. Your teacher will guide you to give a stronger performance and help you polish your craft. You will get to perform in front of other people in a pressure-free environment and you will be challenged to try things you haven’t.*Audition whenever you can. Auditioning is a skill in and of itself. The more you do it, the easier it will become. The hardest thing, especially for an actor starting out, is to not place too much importance on any one audition. If you don’t get cast, don’t let it crush you – just move on to the next audition. It may be a blessing in disguise! There have been times when I have been really disappointed when I wasn’t cast in a show or a role that I thought I really wanted – only to have something much better come along – which I wouldn’t have been able to do if I were cast in the other show. The other thing actors tend to do is talk themselves out of going to an audition. Don’t do that. GO! Go to all the auditions you can. Don’t try to guess what the director is looking for. Don’t convince yourself you’re not right, not experienced enough, etc. to go. Just go! Challenge yourself. And then feel proud of yourself for going afterwards.*As you read plays, start collecting monologues that you like. Actors need to have a few monologues on hand and ready in case an audition comes up that requires a monologue instead of just cold reading. Memorize your monologues and work on them. Perform them in front of family, fr
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