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Will taking up running help me to lose weight

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Running can definitely help you lose weight, especially if you’re combining a regular running routine with cutting calories. Running is one of the most vigorous exercises out there so it’s definitely an efficient way to burn calories and shed pounds. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-taking-up-running-help-me-to-lose-weight ]
More Answers to “Will taking up running help me to lose weight
Will taking up running help me to lose weight
Running can definitely help you lose weight, especially if you’re combining a regular running routine with cutting calories. Running is one of the most vigorous exercises out there so it’s definitely an efficient way to burn calories and sh…

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A: Not very long because your body is then in schock and is like wats going on in about two weeks you will looses 8 pounds. But as you do it more your body is going to get use to it which the you have do more working out.
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Q: I had a baby 6 mon ago. I still have 20 lbs to lose. I have lost 50 so far..so I have done well…its from breastfeeding..not exercise. Now I am exercising. Like for instance, today I went to the gym…I walked the treadmill for 5 min..ran for 10..lifted weights for about 20 min…ran 2 laps on the track..did a little rowing…and finally swam about 15 laps in the pool…I came home had a little celery, an orange, and a small bowl of spaghetti. I plan to do this 3-5 times a week. I also like to have 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. With a little bit of CoffeeMate in it…not sugar. My main question is…after reviewing all the above…do you think I am on my way to losing the last 20 lbs? How long will it take if I keep up my routine? Any additional advice? I will up the time on my runs when I get a little better at it. I also had a c-section so I need help in my abdominal area..however I hate situps! I thought I could burn off fat from that area just by overall cardio? Advice?
A: It sounds like you are on a very good exercise routine and watching your diet carefully, so YES, I”d say you will lose the weight. Remember, you won’t notice the weight loss on the scale, because you are working out and muscle weighs more than fat. Your body will become nicely toned. As far as abdominal exercises and hating sit-ups, try this . . . lay on the floor flat and your arms either beside you or across your chest, lift your legs up (knees slightly bent) as high as you can and then back down but not touching the floor, do as many repetitions as you can, and try to do this at least every other day. This is good for tightening your abdominal muscles.
I lost a lot of weight but I still have tons of fat on me! How can I tone up and how long will it take???
Q: I am 5’8″ girl, I use to weigh 160 13 weeks ago I now weigh 134 today. I’m so happy with myself and my weight loss as I did it all by myself, no one helped me. I exercised at my home, I ate right, I drank lots of water and I took my vitamins. I still want to lost 4 more pounds and those will be gone in two weeks. My thing is, is that even though I lost the weight, I;m still so fat in my tummy, thighs, arm, chin, chest, butt and legs. 130 is an ideal weight and If I get lower than that, it would be unhealthy. So I have 4 pounds left and I’m guessing those 4 pounds aren’t going to get rid of all the fat I still have left! Do I need to start toning? If I have 7 weeks to just tone up, will I be able to lose the extra fat? My stomach and thighs are still huge and I still look super fat!!!! So will 7 solid weeks do the trick? What should I do to tone up? Should I still do cardio? I run every other day, isn’t that good for leg muscules? tell me what i need to do and tell me if 7 weeks is good
A: First and foremost CONGRADULATIONS. You did something amazing for just 13 weeks. So saying that heres the bad. You have lost alot of muscle. You still lost alot of access fat but at a price. I don’t care what anybody says you can’t lose weight without dropping some muscle. So what I recommend is implement some bodyweight excercises just to get you started.I can only help so much not knowing what you did to drop the weight. But running is not good for leg develpment. I would recommend deadlift. And they’re are different styles of deadlift to pick from depending on what you are wanting to develope. Don’t neglect your upper body though. I would suggest a side press or maybe just military press. Do windmills to tighten your abs. And leg raises from a pull up bar to strengthen your abs. Watch your calorie intake and you probbably need to rest right now. Like I said you dropped alot of weight fast, you might be on the verge of overtrainig.
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