Can hydrogen peroxide lighten dark spots on your skin?

Q:Can hydrogen peroxide lighten dark spots on your skin?
More Answers to “Can hydrogen peroxide lighten dark spots on your skin?
No. It may make the contrast worse by lightening the skin around the spot. That’s if it does anything at all.See a dermatologist.
No it wont do that to your skin…it will only clean out the germs and bacteria you may have in a cut or wound
This may not have anything to do with your problem, but I had something that sounds like this.It might be “Tinea Veriscolor” (probably spelled wrong, but it’s close if you want to look it up). It’s basically a common fungus that is part of the dandruff that everyone has in their hair, and can over time make either dark (or light) spots on your back, arms, chest, etc.I got rid of mine by using Nizoral dandruff shampoo. You just lather it up and let it sit on your body for 5-10 minutes then rinse off. Do that once a day for a week or two and it should disappear. Wash your hair once a week with Nizoral to keep it away for good. I’d look at a couple pictures of what “Tinea veriscolor” looks like to see if it might be what you have before you waste the $$ on Nizoral, which can be about $10 for a small bottle.If it doesn’t look like that, see a doctor.
Homeopathic Treatment :-Take ARSENICUM ALBUM 200C First day three doses half hour before meals after that just one dose per day for a week. If you still have dark marks on your skin take KALI BICH 30C thrice a day half hour before or after meals and please report back with your progress and conditions after taking the the given remedies . No complications or side effects.Take care and God Bless you !
It can, theotretically, but it works with the sun to lighten pigment. To actually get it to stay you would need a creame based Hydrogen Peroxide. Problem is you can easily dry out your skin using this making the blemishes darker then they were. Go to a dermatologist they can definately hook you up with the right stuff.
It takes blood stains out of you clothes, but I’ve never heard about it’s ability to bleach skin. soak yourself for a week and maybe you might get something
It will burn your skin for sure. There are plenty of cosmetic products, even OTC.
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