What are the effects of taking immunity boasters?

Q:it is echinea and it contains 400 mg.
More Answers to “What are the effects of taking immunity boasters?
Immune system Boosters -boost the existing immune systemEchinacea: activates, complement activity; stimulates antibodies production, increases phagocytosis, has anti-tumour effect, encourages suppurationDo not use it for more than 5-7 days, because it may depress the immune system upon prolonged usages.
WebMD has a pretty good article on echinacea: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/42/.Scientists aren’t certain how it works. It may be the presence of phenols and polysaccharides which seem to support the immune system. Grapes are another good source — the seeds especially.There are much better choices in my opinion. On a daily basis, I drink a juice which is a blend of 14 fruits and berries combined with 7 herbal extracts. It’s a whole foods supplement which means you get the nutrients from the whole food, not just some multivitamin.Also, medicinal mushrooms are terrific. Varieties like cordiceps sinepsis and shitake can work synergistically to enhance multiple aspects of the immune system and have been used for thousands of years. I use a particular 14 mushroom blend. Buying the mushrooms themselves would cost a fortune but the supplement is very reasonable. I use it whenever I feel something coming on, if I anticipate plane travel, or if I anticipate mingling with a crowd especially during cold and flu season.Feel free to contact me if you want any specific recommendations.
Don’t take too much. Not good for you. Your immune system will depend on it and it can cause you to get sick once you are off it.
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