Do you use antioxidents to rid your body of free radicals? What Product?

Q:There are MLM Products that are watered down and low quality and and expensive. -Is 100 % better than say 20%? 500 mg per ounce or 30,ooo mg @ oz.- Which is best? Tell me your experiences. What product do you use. Good or Bad.
More Answers to “Do you use antioxidents to rid your body of free radicals? What Product?
I use Xango and I have found that it gave me more energy and I feel overall better. I have used it for about 1 year or so, I tried the noni bc I heard so much stuff about it, but it was VERY nasty in taste, so I stopped it. I haven’t tried the gogi though. Xango is the only mangosteen product that uses the whole fruit puree of the mangosteen, other companies only use an extract of the center which doesn’t have many xanthones (potent antioxidants). Xango has 40 known xanthones with research of over 30 years. You can read more about it at and and type in the search engine “mangosteen” and “xanthones” hope this helps 🙂
yeah i have a cup of tea this is a good antioxident. Source(s):tea is full of anti
Ningxa Red Juice (made from wolfberries and other berries along with essential oils) excellent! Source(s)
I use LIQUA HEALTH. It taste good and have many advantages to our body. And it not too expensive, compare with the advantages.
Despite all the studies on anti-o’s, the studies suggest the best way to reduce oxidation is by decreasing food intake. Great study done on this several years back when they studied the affects of giving huge levels of anti-o’s to one group of monkeys, nothing to another group, and reduced dietary intake to a third group. Can you guess the results? The reduced calorie intake had the least amount of free radical damage, while the other two groups were exactly the same. Free radicals are formed from the processing of nutrients in the body, thus the fewer the nutrients, the less the damage. I’ve seen those pharminex machines that messure the “anti-O” levels. Get real, they messure caratonoids – eat a bag a carrots a day for 30 days and your scores will improve.
I use Himilayan Goji Juice. This is the only functional juice on the market with medical validation including over 72 clinical studies published at under Lycium Barbarum. It tastes fantastic and has 34 scientifically proven benefits. I cannot believe how this juice has turned my life around health-wise. Cute. This site is not an appropriate vehicle for marketing your product. By the way, do you have any legitimate scientific clinical studies that show this product is better than the many, many other antioxidant sources available to consumers?
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