can you die from anesthesia?

Q:What are the after affects? Is it dangerous?
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Actually yes you can but with but they have to give you a very high amount i had a friend that died in high school because of it. I have also had it done before, most of the after affects are drowsiness. It is only dangerous if the anesthesiologist is not good at his or her job. Mostly today though Dying is not that high a risk factor.
yes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss.r u taking them
12 % of in patient having Surgery will not make it to tomorrow. Source(s):Physician of America Sure. A friend of mine, who does this line of work, says “It’s not putting them to sleep that’s the problem, it’s waking them up.” This is an art, not a science, since the doctor has no idea how each person will react to the medicine. That’s why people die during routine surgeries that usually are no big deal. That’s also why it’s better to use “local” anesthesia where you can, or a drug like Versed that makes you just forget what happened to you versus going fully “under.”One common side effect is not being able to urinate after or a blood clot, which thankfully is less common.Response to nursen: nurses are HOT
yes, my doctor said that your almost dead when your under anesthesia Yes. Especially if you do drugs and say that you dont.
people have died when given too much of a certain or from not being monitored properly but its very rare yes and no if u r doesed to much yes
Yes,you can. There’s a very small risk, yes. Something like one in 15,000, I dunno.
yes, it sproven thats why you have to sign a disclaimer before taking it it put me in a coma for 3 1/2 weeks
Yes anyone can die from any medical procedure. Just do what your Dr. and Anesthesiologist says and you should be fine. Going under anestheia can be fatal. It killed my father.
it depends if you had it for a while ya u might die , u should go to a doctor YES! Too much IS too much. (Like, d-uhhh.!)
yes sorry. go to it will help u so so so much
When anesthesia came out years ago, it was very different than what it is today. It is very safe and controlled. To die from anesthesia today is completely unheard of and I would have no issues going under in my own hospital. side effects: a little sleepy when you wake up and you might forget the first hour or so of when you woke up. The anesthesiologist is right at your head the whole time watching everything.. It’s a work of wonder, like a masterpiece.Nostromo: very truein response to chairbinder: it’s not because of the anesthesiaIn response to sir J: blood clot is not from anesthesia, but rather staying in one position while in surgery for a long period of time (SCDs- a compression device is placed on a persons legs in surgery to help with circulation) yes
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