do u believe in acupuncture?? why and how does it work exactly, i heard something about needles??.

Q:do u believe in acupuncture?? why and how does it work exactly, i heard something about needles??.
More Answers to “do u believe in acupuncture?? why and how does it work exactly, i heard something about needles??.
It depends heavily on the “placebo effect.”
If you have ever tried acupuncture then you KNOW it works. The Chinese have been using it for 4,000 years or so and still are so something must be right. The most intelligent man I ever met went to China to study acupuncture. He spoke 11 or 12 different languages so he was smart. He wouldn’t have bothered to study acupuncture if he didn’t believe in it. But you can find out for yourself. Try it. Then you wouldn’t have to ask. You would know.Yes it does involve needles but they are as thin as a hair (maybe a tad bigger) but they really do not hurt. I am a big coward for needles but I would have acupuncture any day. How it works is by re channeling your bodies natural invisible channels of energy ( sorry I don’t know more than that).
yes and no, pin points certain areas, yes very small needles. Source(s):grandmother had it said it worked??
i personaly believe that it’s more in the head then in the body, i think it makes u THINK you are.
Acupuncture works with the qi (pronounced “chee”) in the body. It’s like this: you’re trying to water a plant that is wilting. The water will bring it back to life, but there’s a kink in the hose. Every part of your body needs qi to function normally. Acupuncture removes the interference from the body (due to improper diet, surgery, trauma, emotional stress, etc.) so that the organs and tissues can function again. The needles are so small that they actually pass inbetween the cells! That’s why there is no bleeding when they are removed! Also, if you decide to try acupuncture, keep in mind that it is natural medicine. What I mean by that is.just if you decided to start working out to get in shape, it will take awhile of continuous treatment to get your body back into shape after a lifetime of abuses. Once your body is back into balance, you have to maintain that balance. Just as you get oil changes for your car, you get regular (1 x / month or every few months) acupuncture to keep your body working well.
I believe it works. A practitioner will tell you that the pins alter your bodies energy flows and set them back on the right path. It probably is a mix of the placebo effect and the manipulation of the bodies neurological system. No, I believe in God. But acupuncture is supposed to get the nerves to communicate in such a way by the needles’ placement that it corrects certain problems.
not needles pins long pins and it only works if you believe it will work ita all in the brain
Yes. My friend used it for her arthritis until she couldn’t afford to any more and as soon as she quit the pain came back.
The VITAL ENERGY of our body flows through 14 meridians and keeps us healthy.Any obstruction in the energy flow creates a non-infectious disease. The disease symptoms give us indication of problem. Then we treat the affected meridian and disease disappears, many a times like magic!To treat we puncture related points with needles and give a 6 to 9 v DC stimulation.
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