digestive system clensing. which brand to use?

Q:i’m interested in cleaning out all the build up and toxic waste in my colon. the biggest question is what brand to use? i dont want to replace one bad thing for another and i dont want to waste my money.
More Answers to “digestive system clensing. which brand to use?
i will suggest you to try some Chinese herbs:try to visit some Chinese medicine doctor, he will find out which intestinal organs are blocked and which herbs are the best for you.remember that all people are different and need different approached to their body.wish you a lot of success.and hope my English don’t make to much trouble 😉 Don’t waste your money by buying nonsense products like herbal remedies.You don’t need ‘cleansing’ to get rid of toxins in your body. Your kidneys and liver don’t need you to get an enema or high colonic. Just quit eating greasy fast food, drink water instead of colas and get a little exercise. Secondly, any drastic changes to your colon’s environment (drinking lots of diarrhea inducing snake oil) can cause an imbalance in the natural flora of your intestine. This is not good. Your colon is fine. If you have a lot of diarhhea and that’s what makes you think your colon needs cleansing, then see a real doctor. Could be a rotavirus, but your body will fix that in a few days.Your body doesn’t need a ‘boost’ and it doesn’ t need for you to ‘take control’ of it. It works fine without your constant need to tweak it. Don’t listen to those bozos who want to sell you toxin-cleansing products. They are snake oil. At the very least if you believe in their efficacy taking them will make you think you’ve done something positive and you’ll relax. This relaxtion will make you feel better. This is called the placebo effect.You can get the same results by just chilling out and eating a balanced diet and getting a little exercise. Source(s):Any basic immunology textbookAny basic physiology textbook
Try a cleansing diet! I tried this and lost 10.5 pounds and 17 inches in 9 days. Then I continued it and lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks. This program works to remove the toxins in the body that are stored in the fat cells. You cannot get rid of the fat cells unless you get rid of the toxins. We get toxins from pesticides, preservatives, fast food additives, chemicals, pollution, smoke etc… This was my first experience with cleansing and it worked wonderful! You can order at 1-877-587-4647. It is not a cheap program, but it works and is worth every penny! FLEET
You are wasting your money on this enterprise in the first place. The toxic wastes in your colon tend to come out with some regularity. If they don’t, then I would suggest eating more roughage, including bran, veggies, etc.You also cannot cleans your liver or other organs of toxics by taking some drug or eating the right herb. With only a few exceptions, this isn’t going to work. With even fewer exceptions, it isn’t needed.Kindly remember that your colon is designed to operate with a certain amount of holdover so that when the time comes to break new food down, there are adequate bacteria (we call them gut flora) to do the job.
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