Cancer Prevention

Most people are aware of some of the risk factors that can cause cancer. Since there may be some that some of us are not aware of, the following may be worth your while to read.

People who consume a great deal of alcohol, have the risk of getting throat or mouth cancer. If a person also smokes, the risk of getting this type of cancer is even stronger.

Eating less fat is a good way of decreasing the chances of getting cancer. Scientists are finding out that eating too much fat can increase the risk of getting colon and breast cancer. There is also a feeling among scientists that too much fat in the diet can cause prostate and ovarian cancer. The reason for this is that fat may cause the body to make some bile acids that can promote cancer. Fat can also increase the production of hormones. This tends to trigger the growth of some tumors in people who are overweight.

Eating plenty of fiber is important because the risk of colon cancer decreases.

Research from the National Cancer Institute indicates that if people had 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily, their risk of getting colon cancer would be cut in half.

The best foods that contain fiber are wheat bran, whole grain cereals, breads, vegetables and fruits, oat bran and beans. These fiber foods are good because they flush possible cancer-promoting waste through the intestine and the colon. It also flushes out fats and bile acids.

It is important to maintain a healthy weight. Women who are overweight, are known to have a higher death rate from cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, cervix, ovaries, and breast. Overweight men are more prone to colon, rectal, and prostate cancers.

Whenever you use paint, varnish, or any chemicals indoors, make sure to leave the windows open. When you use pesticides and herbicides, wash the fruits and vegetables before you eat them.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you must see your doctor immediately:

A change in bowel or bladder habits A sore that does not heal Bleeding or discharge from the vagina or rectum A thickening or a lump in the breast or anywhere on the body
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
A nagging cough or hoarseness
A change in a mole or wart as to size or color

If cancer is detected by a doctor, there are three types of treatment. Surgery is used to remove the tumor or cancerous growth. If the tumor is in the very early stages, and it was completely removed, then usually there is no more treatments. However, usually the doctor will want to follow up by having the patient come in for a few more visits to make sure that there is no more cancer cells.

In many cases, radiation therapy, is followed after surgery, to make certain that there is a complete cure. Chemotherapy is used when the tumor was in the advanced stage before the operation. Chemotherapy is used to clear all cancerous cells that may be remaining.

Many people, who have had cancer, go through some type of anxiety. When this occurs, cancer support groups are available. A cancer patient can ask their doctor about this information, or contact the American Cancer Society.

Source: A Practical Guide to Everyday Health Decisions

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