I was Once Blind but Now I Can See

On Valentines Day, I was having problems seeing and I went to the emergency room and my blood pressure was at stroke level. The stroke went to my right eye, and I had blood in the back of my eye and the fluid was building up and there was eye pressure. Last Sunday, I was prayed for and I felt the presence of God upon and in my body, and suddenly my right eye was healed.

I did not realize this miracle had taken place, until I walked into the restroom and the lights were brighter and someone walked in front of me and they did not look like an hour glass. Then suddenly I realized that, Jesus, had set me free of this problem.

I was touching the Hem of His Garment, as Jesus, was passing me by. I was once blind but now I can see.
Yesterday, at the doctors, they were going to do a procedure on my right eye, and I passed my vision test and they put drops in both of my eyes. The procedure was going to be eye injections with the needles.

I told the doctor that I was prayed for on Sunday at church, and that I can see. She examined my right eye and looked into the back of my eye with the bright light and she said, “What is going on here, I am not seeing what I saw, in the last examination.” Everything is healed, was her last statement.

On my records she had put down that was right eye is healed.

I am giving God all the glory. For He is my healer. He is the one that set me free. Whose report do you believe, I believe in the report of the Lord!

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