Jonathan Hollow: The Pumpkin Man

Jonatha Hollow, was like many business owner trying to make a profit, as a pillar of the local community that he lived in, on Scared Avenue Street. Why it called Scared Avenue? No one really sure about that if you ask except, they have stated around Halloween’s when it seems people gets more scared. Church people call it the Devil’s Night, while Jonathan Hollow refer to it, as Enhancement Night of Fright.

He decorated his house, with the familar products associated, October 31 and had candie and fruits lined up on tables on his porch for children to select from. It was his way, from having to come to the door constantly in his neighborhhood. Which had a multiple amount of children living in the surrounding.

Around Sevenish, a orange type suited individual was spotted, by three kids walking around the yard, of Jonathan Hollow suspiciously. So, they avoided the house for the moment as they ponder just who the person might have been? But, as other children’s came within their view they approached the tables for candy, fruits selections.

Except, with they turn to leave one of the child became a vanshed suspect. They stopped in the yard and turned toward the porch looking for their lost friend. One thing is for sure they know that the door to 666 Scare Avenue never came open. Down, a hidden trap on the porch the missing youth had slid into the basement of a high tech scare factory. What was so surprising to the lost youth was others was guest of the host called, the Pumpkin Man?

He had a purpose. He had a tale to tell.

“Once upon a time “Lost Ones” I was in your shoes and told this story of fear.” He goes on in details.

“When you walk the streets at night you question’s the reality of being unescorted. Parents always told you about being home before the lights comes on. But guess what? You ten won’t be home any time soon because..I the Pumpkin Man has plans for you.”

Truly fearful and frighten, the story gets more intensed about listening to the master of darkness goes on about listening to parental advice.

“You ten sit on the churches pew creating mischief and havoc. And pay your parents no mind as they try to discipline you kindly. Just listen and watch the children’s above act with great manners.” A vision shown on a video screen for all to render in their eye sight.

“You personally was selected for my scary story by the parents of common sense.” Parents who have gather together with ministers to scare the bad kids, with the assistance of the Pumpkin Man? All kids are not bad but to be elected to this visitation, with the Devil’s representative takes nomination. And, witessing the fear haunting these ten youth has shocked them into reality.

“My death followers I’m offering you one option on this night of Halloween. A selection of candies and fruits. Or your chance to change our behavior accordingly to make your parents happy”

They don’t take long to give a reply to the Pumpkin Man. An answer , that makes the mischief king smile with delight, as he released them back upon his front porch of 666 Scared Avenue. Sunday comes and the selected ten are on their best manners under the watchful eyes, of Deacon Jonatha Hollow.

Who each year gather together and select the worst kids in church to scare? If it’s the Devil’s night to some. He figure the church as the best people to scare. Many have came close to hell. They just isn’t aware of it until you point it out to them.

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