Kentucky Wildlife that May Pose Danger to Your Pet

Across the nation previously uninhabited forests are being developed to make way for new homes and business. As this happens the native wildlife and humans narrow the safe buffer zone that once existed between them. Most of the time it’s not the humans themselves that are at risk, it’s their beloved pets that face the most danger. In Kentucky, people usually don’t think about the wildlife that can pose a danger to their pets, but there are several you should watch out for. These are a few of Kentucky’s wildlife that may pose a danger to your pet.

Black Bear:

You may be surprised to learn that there are black bears in Kentucky. However, people from the eastern region of the state will tell you there is indeed a breeding population of black bears living and thriving in Kentucky. These bears grow to be 4-6 feet tall and weigh between 120-350 pounds depending on their age, sex, and many other factors. Pets aren’t normally a food source for these bears, but they have been known to attack and kill pets.


Coyotes are probably the most well known wildlife animal in Kentucky that poses a danger to pets. There are many documented cases of pets that have lost their lives to coyotes. In some areas, it seems that pets have become a food source for them. Cats and small dogs stand the best chance of being attacked by these predators, but larger pets and livestock are also killed. According to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, coyotes are found in all 120 counties in Kentucky. Coyotes are about the size of a medium to large dog and can weigh as much as 50 pounds. They are normally pack hunters, which makes them more dangerous. If coyotes are known to live in your area, you shouldn’t leave your pets outside unattended, it only takes moments for these predators to attack and kill your precious pet.

White-tailed deer:

People usually don’t consider white-tailed deer to be a danger to their pets. They are normally seen as beautiful peaceful animals, but they can pose very real dangers to you and your pet. Their attacks usually have nothing to do with eating, and everything to do with self-preservation and protection of their young. These animals grow to stand between 6 to 7.75 feet tall and weigh between 110 and 300 pounds. If you see deer in the area, it’s best that you keep yourself and your pets as far away from them as possible.

It’s impossible to know when or if you and/or your pet might encounter one of these animals. Most of them have large home ranges and travel across long distances every day. The best thing you can do is make sure to keep yourself and your pet in a secure area, and educate yourself on what to do if one of these animals should attack. Lastly, it’s important to make sure you keep all animal feed, and trash put away in closes containers, so you do not draw the attention of hungry animals.

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