Kim Kardashian’s Wedding Day Spikes Views of Sex Tape

While Kim Kardashian was saying “I do,” millions of viewers showed their support by logging onto the website that sells her sex tape. The site typically gets 300,000 visitors but the day Kardashian was consummating her marriage, approximately two million visitors were consummating by themselves.

The Kardashian sex tape, which does not feature current husband, Kris Humphries, but rather ex-boyfriend Ray J, was especially popular with Irish people. TMZ reports that Irish viewers ponied up the biggest dollar, paying £30 to watch for a month on the web.

I wonder how this all happened. Did two million people really have the same idea or was there a meeting held at someone’s house? “OK, when Kardashian says, ‘I do,’ we’ll all say, ‘I did.’ We can all spank it at the same time, in the privacy of our own homes, or with each other if you want, and then hope that media outlets talk about it. Who’s in?”

Who knows if more tissues were used at the actual wedding or the pretend one between viewer and sex tape? One thing is for certain, the sex tape’s chances of being watched again far outweigh the chances of the wedding being watched again.

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