Labor Day Lesson Plans for Preschoolers

Labor Day lesson plans for preschoolers

Preschool students are full of life and excitement. Their minds absorb so much information. It is amazing to watch them learn and grow. As a teacher, it is sometimes hard to find lesson plans to fit your classroom needs.

In this article, you will find some lesson plans for the Labor Day holiday. Each lesson plan can be modified for you and your students own learning preferences. Just remember to make them fun and interactive for the students.

Finger painting. Children love to paint and create beautiful masterpieces. Artwork is a fun way to teach children about Labor Day. Colors and art is creative and allows preschoolers to use their imagination.

Puzzles. As a teacher you can create your own puzzles. A simple photograph can become a puzzle. A laminate machine will seal the picture and it is ready to become a puzzle.

Coloring pages. Coloring pages can be found on the internet. There are several websites that offer parents and teachers different coloring book pages for all types of holidays and special occasions.

Bingo. Bingo is an old time favorite game. It is still a game loved by many. As a teacher of education, you can create your own bingo game to suit your needs.

A play. Preschoolers can enjoy a fun interactive hand puppet play. The play doesn’t have to be long or too complicated. The simpler it is, the more the kids will have fun. And they will be learning at the same time.

Scavenger hunt. A small scavenger hunt in the classroom can include objects such as photographs, small figures or note cards with pictures.

I spy. As a kid I used to love this game. Photographs, and objects can be hidden around the classroom. To watch the kids eyes light up with excitement is the reason to teach. They will enjoy themselves to the fullest with a real life I spy game.

The more lessons are fun and entertaining the more they will remember and have fun. Learning can be fun. Children tend to learn better if it is fun and not so “strict” binding, or structured. For preschoolers these lesson plans can be adapted to the students learning ability.

The key to learning is to make it fun. Do not over-stress the learning, let them enjoy being kids. The learning will come when you least it expect it.

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