Light Keeper Pro – the Easy Fix for Christmas Lights!

If you’ve been in Ace Hardware lately you probably saw the video that shows how easy it is to fix your Christmas Lights with the Light Keeper Pro. If you missed it, the infomercial that plays non-stop shows an older gentleman demonstrating how, like magic, you can actually heal your broken light sets using this little gun about the size of a glue gun. The man in the video seemed so sincere and since Ace is a place I trust and the product was on sale, I purchased the Light Keeper Pro and headed home to fix my many sets of broken lights.

Pull The Trigger and Lights are Healed

It was scary at first. I had been taught since childhood not to stick things into a live electrical socket so I carefully read the instructions and went for it. Three pulls to the trigger and my first set lit right up! WOW! It worked. I used one of the replacement bulbs and fixed the one light in the set that didn’t come on and went for a bigger set.

Two Ways to Fix Lights

Unfortunately, after 20 pulls to the trigger the lights did not come on. So I went back to the instructions. If your lights don’t heal as the previous set did then you have to push the button on the top of the gun and shine it at each light and see if it beeps rapidly. That took some practice. Some of them wouldn’t beep unless you moved them around. Basically, I quickly discovered that if they beeped the light was fine. As soon as I found a bulb that would not beep I removed it and then tried healing the set from there. That didn’t work so I replaced the bulb and then removed another bulb and returned to checking for broken bulbs. It took a few minutes but I found the second dead socket, replaced the bulb and bingo the set came to life.

In about 45 minutes I’d fixed 5 sets of lights that were destined for the trash and I decorated the outside shrubs around my front door. This gadget is a must have if you use mini lights in your house. The price is reasonable considering what this will do. My 5 sets of lights would have cost at least as much as the Light Keeper Pro. Ace was having a sale so I was able to purchase the Light Keeper Pro for $19.00 and some change.Light Keeper Pro comes with the batteries already loaded and ready to use.

Not as Easy as in Video

Several of my light sets did not come on like magic as I was hoping for and this was disappointing. It meant checking each light with the tool which makes it relatively easy. Still, once finding the problem bulb you have to repair it. That meant taking it out and installing a new bulb in the little socket. Fortunately, the Light Keeper Pro comes with a few replacement bulbs. I used mine all up in fixing my 5 light sets but managed to use one of my broken small sets as a source for more bulbs.

Overall, I recommend the Light Keeper Pro. It’s definitely not always as easy as it looks on the video to fix your lights but if you want to fix them yourself with relative ease the Light Keeper Pro is the tool you should have and well worth the price. My overall score for the Light Keeper Pro is a solid A-. It would be higher if it really were always as easy as in the video. Sometimes it is, but usually not.

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