
I’m told I am a watcher. I watch people and I feel what they feel. I am told I look and think about people too much, but I care. When I see things it often brings me to poetry. My poetry is simple, but it often comes out of me from what I observe all around me. Today my thoughts are about loneliness. Many people are lonely all around us and we often do not even notice them.


The room is full
I sit in the corner
on an empty bench

The park is alive
Laughing children
Loving families
One silhouette leans on an old oak tree

The mall is frantic
rushing and shopping
teardrops stream down her face
she is lost and alone

The stadium is alive
cheering fans roar
eating and drinking to gluttony
one lonely man searches trash cans for a crumb

The room is full
I sit in the corner
on an empty bench

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