New Short Film/Video, Rainbow in the Night, Expresses Triumph and Hope in Time for the U.N. Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27, 2012 marks the 7th Annual UN Holocaust Remembrance Day. It’s purpose is to honor the victims of the Holocaust and establish ways for younger and future generations to learn about and remember the tragedies that occurred. The hope is that through learning from our history, we can prevent the darkest points from ever occurring again.

In honor of the U.N. Holocaust Remembrance Day, film producer and director Daniel Finkelman recently completed a scripted and reenacted music video, depicting the era of the Holocaust entitled, “Rainbow in the Night”. The video offers viewers an emotional and visual outlook into life in Poland, 1939.

The song was written and composed by noted musician Cecilia Margules. Teaming with Danny Finkelman to create “Rainbow in the Night”, the pair created a breathtaking music video of epic proportions, featuring beautiful cinematography and poignant vocals. The production brings the memory of the Holocaust to life in a powerful YouTube video that will transport the viewer back to World War II Poland in only eight minutes.

“Rainbow in the Night” was filmed in multiple locations including Crakow, Poland, New York and the crew was even given special permission to tape in the Majdanek concentration camp. By filming the scenes in Poland, Mr. Finkelman envisioned that viewers would better understand the conditions and treatment the prisoners experienced. Mr. Finkelman designated the slogan, “The Last Survivor,” as the main concept for the music video. Once the final Holocaust survivor passes away, younger generations will have to refer to books and documentaries to learn about the tragic events.

Mr. Finkelman and Ms. Margules have a dream for this video, “The idea of a rainbow signifies triumph and happiness, and the song title and lyrics are intended to offer hope for us all,” Margules said. “We deeply believe that this short film and song can bring a sense of unity to us as, showing that together we survived and together we will continue.”

“It’s a lesson for all people, actually.” Mr. Finkelman said.

See the Video Here

Juda Engelmayer is an executive with the NY PR agency, 5W Public Relations and a contributor to the Cutting Edge News.

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