Night Reflective Running Gear

Night reflective running gear is a necessity if your routine is to run during the dusk or dawn hours. In most cases runners who choose these specific times of day to run do so either because they prefer so or it is mandated based on their daily business schedules. If you fall in this category it is important to acquire night reflective running gear to maintain your safety and to be seen by oncoming vehicles.

Almost any retailers or sporting goods store that sells running gear generally carry an excellent selection of night reflective running gear. Where your entire outfit does not have to be neon it is advisable to select night reflective running gear with adequate reflective strips making you visible to oncoming traffic as well as other runners and pedestrians.

During the warmer months the neon colored running shorts and tanks are a great choice for wear during the darker hours. They are comfortable and available in a variety of breathable fabrics and colors as well as various leading brands including Nike, Puma, Reebok and so many others. There are also a few brands such as Brooks that specialize in night reflective running gear. If you are a regular or beginning runner consider investing in quality running gear as with the right care the gear is designed to last.

Whether you or a male or female runner most running tights are black though those intended for dark generally have reflective strips. If you are insistent about wearing black gear just know that you can focus on night reflective running accessories such as gloves, hats, vests or even jackets. You do want to be seen and this is particularly true of the all season runner who is on auto pilot in terms of running discipline. Most seasoned runners understand the importance of reflective running gear and the safety factors with which it is associated.

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