Are tight, low rise jeans uncomfortable

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Are tight, low rise jeans uncomfortable”,you can compare them.

That all depends on the person, some people think they are too tight, and some people feel comfortable when it is tighter. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are tight, low rise jeans uncomfortable
Where can I find tight low rise jeans?
i recommend pacsun the best. they have nice jeans for okay prices 2 for $55. don’t go to forever 21, they do have nice jeans, but the fabric is really thin.
What is with you and tight low rise jeans?
Girls can wear belts with there tight jeans for many reasons. Sometimes its because the want to look cool, it might be the fashion at the time, or maybe the jeans fit them in the thighs and butt but are really loose at the waist. The reason…
Why are tight low rise jeans so difficult to bend over in and stu…?
jeans are made of denim and it makes it harder for your leg to move freely. tights hug your leg. the texture of denim isnt all that ideal to bend over. esp. low rise

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Girls, are low rise jeans uncomfortable?
Q: Okay, this is a serious question and I am seventeen, btw. When you girls, especially those who wear a lot of hollister jeans and stuff, do hollister jeans ever get uncomfortable? Like do they ever get uncomfortable to move around in? Cause it seems like I always see girls, again those who wear hollister, having to constantly pull them up by the belt loops and they look really embarrassed doing it. I’ve even seen some girls do it every five seconds. They look really awkward, like having to shift and pull to only get a couple of centimeters. It must be soooo embarrassing…Not to be a jerk or anything, but I think its kinda funny when girls have problems with their jeans. I mean, why torture yourselves by wearing tight jeans to show off the body but then be all worried about what’s showing?
A: It really isn’t uncomfortable
Are hollister jeans uncomfortable? Could anybody tell me a bit about them…?
Q: Okay, so I’m 13 and I plan on going to buy some hollister jeans, specifically the laguna skinny cut to go with a brand new pair of tall chestnut uggs I just got. But a friend told me that Hollister jeans have no crotch room at all and there’s no “pinch room” on the waistband to pull them up since they’re so low. I mean, I guess if there was no pinch room on the waistband, I guess I could use the belt loops, but I’ve broken belt loops pulling up on low rise jeans before. And she said they fit like a second skin and not to buy them if I don’t like tight jeans. I love tight jeans and the way they feel smooth and stuff on the legs. But the stuff above that kinda worries me since I hate wearing belts. Can anybody tell me if that is true about hollister jeans? I would like to know cause I think they look cute.
A: no, don’t waste your time.they are crappy and expensive.go to pacsun.
Girls, are Hollister jeans uncomfortable?
Q: Okay, so I’m 13 and I plan on going to buy some hollister jeans, specifically the laguna skinny cut to go with a brand new pair of tall chestnut uggs I just got. But a friend told me that Hollister jeans have no crotch room at all and there’s no “pinch room” on the waistband to pull them up since they’re so low. I mean, I guess if there was no pinch room on the waistband, I guess I could use the belt loops, but I’ve broken belt loops pulling up on low rise jeans before. And she said they fit like a second skin and not to buy them if I don’t like tight jeans. I love tight jeans and the way they feel smooth and stuff on the legs. But the stuff above that kinda worries me since I hate wearing belts. Can anybody tell me if that is true about hollister jeans? I would like to know cause I think they look cute.
A: hahah ironic that i have laguna skinnys and tall chestnut uggs…but yeah i love them….they don’t have much crotch room but your a girl so you don’t need to worry about it….i hope. but you MIGHT have to wear a belt but it depends on how you like your jeans.
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