Do I have to be in the sun for lemon juice to lighten my hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Do I have to be in the sun for lemon juice to lighten my hair”,you can compare them.

Lemon juice, plus oxygen and UV rays, equals a bleaching product. So if you were in the sun it would work better. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do I have to be in the sun for lemon juice to lighten my hair
How does lemon juice lighten hair in the sun
The heat causes acidity in the lemon juice opens the cuticle of the hair to release or strip the color from your hair. ChaCha on!
Does lemon juice lighten blonde hair without the sun ??
if you have blonde hair, brown or black it doesnt matter! products that lighten your hair such as chemical based like sun-in or lemon juice instruct you to go in the sun later on…but you dont have to! the reason why they tell you to is be…
Does putting lemon juice in your hair and then sitting out in the…?
follow the step the previous commenter wrote but be careful! lemon juice turned parts of my hair red instead of the blond i wanted it. try it out first on a small section of your hair and see the color it’ll turn. if you’re not sure about u…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you have to be in the sun for lemon juice to lighten your hair?
Q: Or can the juice lighten your hair slightly just from being placed in your hair?Just wondering, thanks, will choose an answer (always do) 🙂
A: Yes you have to be in the sun for it to lighten your hair.I have done it before and for the best color and outcome I would recommend sitting in the sun for at least 30 minutes! Plus; make sure you put the lemon juice all over or only part of your hair will be lighter and it looks really weird. [That happened to one of my friends once.]I hope I helped!
Does lemon juice + sun helps to lighten your hair?
Q: I want to lighten the hair on my hands. For how long should I hang out in the sun with the lemon juice?Can we use lime?
A: Yes it works pretty well. What works even better is this stuff called “Sun-In”. used to have a friend who used it and it worked great, not as good as bleaching of course, but it does pretty well. You have to follow the directions though, get your hair really wet with the product and then sit in the sun, or sometimes we used to use a blowdryer on my friend’s hair and it seemed to work almost as well.
Will lemon juice lighten hair without the sun?
Q: Will lemon juice lighten hair without the sun? Thanks.
A: No!! Because the sun is the only way to lighten the hair. Lemon juice will not do anything without the heat of the sun. I was once wondering if I could use a hair dryer instead, but I think it will burn the hair.
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